Feb 12, 2008 21:22
Today was amazing the sun was out, the earth was warm, i even took my vitamins AGAIN! I feel like i'm in such a good spot right now. So strong. but then he shows up. It was great to see him but its just so soon. ( of course the song playing right now is AM I GONNA BE LONELY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE). I can tell there is obvious improvements to how he wants to treat me but its just so strange. thats all i can say.
On the other hand, I made some amazing jumbalya and chowed down with matt unfortunately my favorite jumbalya conneiseur was missing from the scene :( But she saved my life or my literally my nose this weekend and helped me get to that spot i need. And for that the debt im in to her for life continues to go.
Hope all is well for they tell me tomorrow will come again :)