Oct 09, 2009 22:41
For the record, and for what it's worth:
98% of the people I work with on a regular basis are heterosexual. 70-80% of them are closed-minded when it comes to homosexual or bisexual behavior; they consider it abnormal, aberrant, and unacceptable. I, obviously, do not find this an acceptable environment to work in. I generally prefer the people (male and female, GLBT) I spend time with to be open-minded people: even if they don't morally or ethically agree with another person's lifestyle, I would generally prefer they understand the idea that we are all unique. While we are created equal under the Goddess's eyes, we make different decisions as to those we romantically involve ourselves with.
With this as a consideration, I am getting fairly tired of hearing 'faggot,' 'queer,' and other such terms as pejoratives. I don't care where or how you stick your sticker/have yourself stuck, but don't force your lifestyle decisions on the people around you. It shows that you are not worthy of the people who surround you, much less worthy of knowing the decisions they make or how they make them. At best, it shows you as confused and unaware of the natural beauty of human beings. At worst, it shows you as a crass fool that doesn't deserve the friends you have managed to not alienate with your idiocy.
Aside from that; I'm otherwise fairly ready to give up on dating as a whole. I find people (in general) to be interesting and worth getting to know. But the majority of people I find surrounding me are shallow and uninteresting. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a super-model, but I know how to carry & shake what I've got to attract whatever gender I happen to be interested in. The problem with this is that I'm fed up with men as being short-sighted and unwilling to let their emotions have any basis on their decision making: they are (generally speaking, of course) unable to have a meaningful emotional exchange; I find most of the women I speak with unable to make a *genuine* emotional connection that goes beyond enjoyment of shopping/spending money, or an enjoyment in the superficial relationships of their friends. IN SHORT: I want the men I date to be more emotionally available, and I want the women I date to be more reasonable. Short of finding the *PERFECT* person, I've more or less given up on dating, and am about ready to go back to the one-night-stand lifestyle I enjoyed when I was younger. *sigh*
I'm done trying to explain my state of mind. Hope you all have a better weekend than me. Take care 7 Be Well!!
Much Love!!!