Jun 15, 2004 00:09
i was at my friends house the other day, and i was spending the night. it was like 11:30 ish and we were watching tv in his room. i turned it to the history channel, and they were having a show about the history of sex. we were watching it for a while, and this old ass lady came on. she was probably like 80, and she was talking about masterbating. im pretty sure she must service herself like 10 times a day, cuz she was really passionate about it. but anyway, she started talking about sex again, and she was saying something about a phallus. i was like, what the fuck is that old bitch talking about, what the hell is a phallus? my friend was stumped as usual, he didnt know what she was talkin about either, but after a while, it dawned on me, that she was talkin about the dudes wiener. i totally did not know that phallus was another word for wiener. but anyway, i learned a new thing. now im gonna call everybody a phallus. just cuz it sounds funny, and cuz no one can stop me.i also learned that there is a city in cali called oxnard. oh shit, they might as well call it bull testicle.