tokyo exchange. november week 5

Jan 01, 2014 15:11

monday 25th november 2013

normaaaal monday! mmm new menu at the cafeteria LOL, thwas the highlight of my day! took pics with litttle shit. what a weirdo and bought snacks at the konbini! nomnomnommzzz

tuesday 26th november 2013

went to kfc, and had the potpie! was so yummy :) prepared for our group presentation which was going to be for thursday! little shit putting blowdryer air into his mouth. okay he needs help. annnnnd i took a pic of my pretty keys LOL.

wednesday 27th november 2013

cleaned my room yay!! finalised all our group presentation for the day after, watched hello kitty as she judged me ahahahhaha. ummm wrote and essay and a summary all due the day after. daymzzz. so cray.

thursday 28th november 2013

had two meals at the shokudo yaaaaay! nemuuu's medicine said stona LMAO. died HAHAHA.

after class, went to a cross-cultural seminar. actually had a mid-sem test the day after but i was like yeah whatevs yolo i havent studied i dont care LOL so creys! omgsh so the seminar thing, they told all the international students to go in the left door, and all local students to go on the right door. and there was a curtain barrier thing separating us. NEKKMINIT. It was a stage omggggggggggsh hdaskjdashjksdhalkjs SO SCARY because i kid you not, there was a lot of them lol. we had to intro ourselves on stage fml. then we were giving little shit, shit for not telling us. but he legit didnt know AHHAHA SOZ LITTLE SHIT. WE STILL LOVE YOU!

then we got split into groups and it was like 1~2 international students with a bunch of japanese students. we played games and then were given a topic to discuss!

the topic my group was given was whether it was better to go to a single-sex school or a co-ed school! in the entire group, i was the only one who didnt go to a co-ed school lol! conversation got pretty deep hahahaha. one guy was super shy, and admittedly said that he couldnt talk to girls so i was like hahaha kawaiiii, many times and he was getting embarassed LOL what a cutie. so then after the discussion, we had to head back into the big room and one person had to summarise what we had talked about, then the guy pretty much summarised that it was better to be in a co-ed school, and even if you're shy its okay, annaaaaa said i was kawaii so it was all good! hahahah how cute was it! LOL

after the event, we went to nomikai! yay! was lots of fun! some people were gettinggg drunk and tipsyyy! bff wasnt drunk but she felt sick so bekkk gave her a piggyback! hahahahahaha.
was a fun day!

friday 29th november 2013

after class, bought some dinner, and snacks, went home and chilled in the lounge with iseeee and peiiiichaaan :D also had some muffins made by the shakaijins! was so yummy! i tried to be hipster LOL. peiiichaaan drew me a pic! actually he was really angry cos of some cake incident LOL HAHAHAHA

saturday 30th november 2013

had some food at the morning bbq, our sharehouse manager is too adorable!! then went to stereosonic LOLJKS. went to roppongi and tokyo midtown with bekkk and also went to tokyo tower! was heaps of fun! roppongi looks like it heavily caters to westerners though! tokyo tower is really pretty! it was a shame that the top view floor was closed because of the unidentified metal object! had lunch and had some proper beef hahaha kinda the first time in a long time LOL.

went home, bought some fresh juice from the station, went seiyu and then went to the nabe party! it was veryveryvery delicious and fun!! i love this sharehouse lifestyle! seriously!

life, tokyo, university, exchange, japan

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