
Feb 06, 2011 15:26

Thankfully, I made it back home safe and sound!
like i said in my previous post, how my flight was 2hrs and 40 mins delayed.. so our new connecting flight to sydney at 9:35 and arrival by 11:15 was impossible, so they booked us on a new flight departing at 11:15, arriving at 1:45. that delay became nothing compared to what was to come!
on the plane, before i dozed off.. the captain said something like "this flight to gold coast is gonna take longer than usual because we have to take the longer way because of the volcano at miyazaki and the cyclones in northern queensland" i was like k, whatevs lemme sleep LOL.

LOL WE LANDED AT GOLD COAST BY 11. Meaning we definitely missed our connecting flight cos we still had to check in again and get all our luggage and crap.
so when we landed, we asked the lady on the check in counter what we were to do since we already missed our first flight.
she was like you know.. just line up, everyone's in the same situation as you and i was like yeaaaaa k.
so we lined up.. and we were scared to get the scary man who was mad strict with checking in and crap, so when kristine got called up, we all went with her cos she had the nice young man LOL. we soon realised that the 12:30 flight was impossible for us to be on.. and the next flight was at 3:45. it was goooood cos he gave us seats to that! and he let me check in like even my extremely heavy carry-on luggage that i was like OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU to him. cos all our luggage was over the limit, but he still let us check in other stuff!
cos the guy next to us was such a biaaaaaatch lalalalala.
they gave us $10 food vouchers tho HAHAHA.
i felt kinda sickkkk orz.
by the time it was 2:00, i saw that our flight was no longer departing at 3:45, but it was like now at 4:30. i was like fml. we're gna get to sydney by like 7pm orzzzzzzz. (QLD is 1 hr behind Sydney cos they dont do daylight savings)

and we did get there at 7pm.
and then our parents came and picked us up in sydney.. then us three separated, for the first time in 21 days LOL.
and i havent seen kristinne & xxx_francesca since thursday night.
feeeeeeels weird actually HAHA.

then like friday night, i went to bowling and laser runner (which i didnt engage in, in anyway) with other friends. i just talked and stuff!
then we caught up, cos some of my friends like pamela, yanna and patricia i havent seen in like two months!! ARGH, so long lol!
sooo when it was over, i gave pamela a lift home, and elena came to my house for an hour cos she got picked up at my place!
she was looking thru the crap i bought especially my uchiwas LOLLLLLL.
but she said matsujun looks hot in his new haiiiiiiiir :)
she calls him ugly every other day, so it was all goooooood :D

then yesterday i had to go to gosford cos my brother plays reps for basketball, so then i couldnt go to kristine's sister's 16th party. and i got sick at blooooody gosford.
hence why im at home today and didnt go to his game today.
my throat hurts, i have a migraine and everything is just uuuuuuuuuughhhh.
i guess its cos i came from like less than 10 degree weather to like 40 degrees argh.
seriously! LOL ><

my uni timetable is shitttttttt
i have to go five times a week and its just ugh!! :(

yanna, japan, elena, edelweis, life, fangirls, patricia, pamela, friends, kristine, fatima

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