goodbye tokyo.

Jan 29, 2011 22:14

 it's been a good 12 days.
tomorrow we are checking out of the hotel to go back to my japanese hometown auntie's place down at hiroshima haha.
to be honest i can't wait to go back over there.. get to chilllllllllll.
the state of our hotel room is .. um DESPICABLE.
that's all AHHAHA
so yeahhhh (:

~ not looking forward to going back to sydney next thursday though :'(
like i don't want my holiday paradise to be over because it means im gonna have to start uni soon.. and go back to working :(
seeing my fam is good tho, but i dont want my not-holiday life :(
but like thats life lol!

i just finished watching shiyagare :)
last week i remember we just came back from keikarou, johnny's building, tokkyu hands, L&L Hawaiian .. then ran to our hotel room while we frantically tidied up our hotel room so we could let two guests in watch shiyagare :D

.. i had like two hours sleep then lined up for yamapi in the freezing cold!
overall our stay in tokyo was worth it :D

sydney, life, tokyo, fangirls, friends, fatima, japan

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