broken pencil case.

Jun 01, 2009 17:08

so.. i thought today was gna be a totally normal day! which isnt necessarily a bad thing :P
until ancient history in period 5 came.
okay, so i decided to mention friends' names in my LJ unlike a certain someonedlws. lol
ok so.. after lunch we had ancient history straight away next for period 5.. yeah i went upstairs with my friends kristine & elena .. when we got to the room our teacher wasnt there yetssss so we stood there.. and then i put my stuff on the window sill. sounds pretty normal right?
ok so i was talking with elena and kristine.. then after like a minute i feel someone touching the top of my head.. i was in utter shock. you could say that in my head i was super WTF. lol. yeh then i turned around and this certain person who we will hide by the name of anime. im like.. eh? and anime was like.. oh u got dirt on ur hair.. and like kristine and elena were cracking up lmfao. i was kinda dying too. but had to contain it.. lol, kinda scaryy then elena goes.. oh yeah u got dirt, but now its gone rofl. so yeah. then after that anime knocked my stuff over from the window sill.. and im like ehhh in my head. and shes like sorry, and im like ok.

yea lol and it was funny before our lesson fully started i was singing with edelweis

edlws: miss crazy
fatima: wakanai
edlws: dont stop baby
fatima: tomanai
edlws: kimi to
fatima: *itai dake*
edlws: ahahha jun always whispers!
fatima: yeaaa!!  kimi to *itai dake*

HAHAHAHAHAH rofl ~ yeah its arashi's new song   crazy moon ~kimi wa muteki~
ahahah so random cuz of everything ive been talking about so far. :P

after like
20 minutes
in class.

i take out my pencil case inside my pencil case and im literally like wtheckkkkk. it was broken as in shattered!!
grrrrrr, that pencil case was pretttyyy and it was baby blue and i had a theme going on with my stufffff.
this it totally zmgwtf guys. so im like ehhh.. how cud this have happend?
then im like zmg


anime broke it!!

so then i tell my friend next to me.. layleen, and shes like NGAWWWW. stick your finger at her. im like baaah. and shes like.. duuude, tell her she broke it, and i was like i will after class.
bah then i told my friends in ancient and theyre like :O WTF lol yeaa.

so yeaa during ancient our teacher showed us like egyptian tomb paintings and one girl in my class was like: 
"wow that painting looks not professional"
and im like "nah i like it, it looks good"
and shes like "its different from the rest"
and im like "i really like it, its really good"
haha and then later.. she was like..
"that pic is nice, i like the purple"
then i was like "nah i like the other one better"
then kristine and layleen just crack up laughing at me LAWL.

yeh then next there was a pic, and she was like.. why is this pic white?
and then me and layleen at the same time:
her = how do they knw its women?
layleen + me = BECAUSE ITS WHITE!!

*outbreak of laughter*

yeah then after that lesson we went to toilets then bio.. and edelweis went missing rofl. so she ran after us to toilets even though she went class already! ahah and then i was ranting about my pencilcase..
and kristines like "i betcha anime stepped on it!"

yeh then after that school was over. yeaa etc, then we saw pamela and she got her braces off! YAY! she was so happy! she was smiling so much!!
congrats pamela :D

lol yeah. sorry for mega long rant zmg ahhaha

layleen, ancient history, finger, laughter, hair, elena, crazy moon ~kimi wa muteki~, pamela, kristine, arashi, matsujun, broken, pencilcase, school, edelweis, anime, dirt

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