day one of the much awaited christmas holidays :)

Dec 16, 2009 17:54

wellll i slept at one this morning, because i was up all night watching keyhole tv, some best artist show that sho was hosting XD
arashi sang believe at the beginning i was like all hyped up the beginning of the show . and after that they didnt sing again till the last 15 mins of the show which was like 12:45 AM! meaning that i started watching at 9 and finished at like 1am T_T"
yeaaaaa, sang for like 5 mins from 9, then for like 10 mins at 12:45 or whatever, gsh i cdve skipped watching the show !
checkkkittt, my fangirl dedication :)

one would think that me sleeping 1am would make me wake up at like noon. but its so funny because i woke up at 7:30 which is my normal waking up time for school haha! so i looked at my clock and it was like 7:30 so i forced myself back to sleep hahaha! do you guys know what that means? my body is so used to sleeping really late evenings / early mornings that having six hours of sleep is normal for me now! hahahah this is what school does to you. ruins your body clock & sleeping pattern. but who knows, maybe this is the new norm so whatever! but heeey, i managed to sleep in until 8:30 wooo! then had breakfast then watched letters from iwo jima, that movie clint eastwood directed about war with nino in it hahahaha nino in hollywoood LOL. i watched it because i think im gna use it for my related text for english. omgsh i just realised that i discreetly started an english assessment on the first day :|
the movie was heaps good though!! war movies are usually crappy and boring and makes you want to go to sleep, but this one is really good, no but SERIOUSLY. but the ending confused mee! oh man i already found things about belonging hahahahah!

got so much crap to do these holidays but!

need to read:
pride and prejudice
letters to jane austen on first reading
chinese cinderella

need to do:
complete english assessment
do the truckloads of biology holiday hw

calling it holidays would be an understatement.

oh wellllll i got arashi to keep me sane! i swear if i'm not fangirling or in this fandom i probably would've gone insane or something.
nyeh i'm thankful lol!

xo, fatimaaaaa!

homework, holidays, assessments, sakurai sho, english, sleep, nino, fangirl, arashi

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