Arashi All the BEST! 1999-2009 . ALBUM COVERS OUT!!

Jul 30, 2009 14:15

once again im in ancient history supposed to be researching. and everyones doing their own thingggg. yeh i was on youtube listening to GENIE by SNSD :D
then im like hmm.. i should check johnny ojiisan's arashi page..
then i saw this..

omgsh random questionmarks. school laptops got no japanese input hahahaha
AAAAAND I WAS LIKE OMGSH WOAHHHHHHHHHHH then i was like calling edelweisss who is like on a table in front and i was like OMGSHHHHHHH THE COVERS ARE OUT! so she ran to my table and shieee.
haha, and we like ordered like a month ago.. with the whole yesasia thing we got limited edition yay 3 disc :D
and i saw the two covers and was like uh oh.. which cover is it..? because the kanji was blocked out and are only question marks lool. i clicked arashi discography and the bus pic was on top meaning that cover is the regular edition and the inside of the bus one is the limited edition yay! hooray for close up arashi haha

anyway.. these are the covers:

regular edition :)

limited edition.. come to me babyyyyy!
mecha mecha kakkoii!

i love my ancient girliessss elena, kyla, robbie, edelweis, layleen & kristine ;D rahhhhhrrrr ~

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so happyyyyyy :D

okay laterssssss


yesasia, kyla, layleen, ancient history, robbie, all the best! 1999-2009, elena, school, johnny's entertainment, edelweis, kristine, arashi

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