Life gets messy

May 16, 2011 21:05

My life is total chaos right now. My aunt spent so long trying to get in touch with me that when I finally called her back she mentioned she was about 6 hours away from calling my parents and asking which hospital she should be sending flowers to. That's desperation right there since my aunt doesn't risk talking to my mother unless she's truly worried. It's not, like, crazy sibling issues; they generally get along fine. They just have very different values and at some point it always turns into an argument about something insane, like how important is it that your duvet cover match your valances. That is my family though. My sister and I once had a drag-out, not speaking for 2 weeks afterward argument about whether or not to put tomatoes in ceviche. I was pro. I like tomatoes.

Anyway, off-topic. What I'm trying to say is, my Big Bang isn't Banging. It's barely managing a discrete clinking noise. I made a great start and got several thousand words in when I realized I'd written myself into a corner and getting out of it would mean tossing some really fun dialogue, so I kind of retreated into this big grant project I'm supposed to be working on. (No I don't write pr0n at work. Although I have been known to outline.) I just need to reboot. When I started working on my dissertation, I spent several months weeks trying to write the introduction before I decided that the trick was to start in the middle. I had a bunch of material relating to one very specific small intermediate piece of what I was talking about, so I treated it as a basic research paper and just let it grow in both directions from there. The funny thing is none of that material made it into the final draft, but it got me *writing*, which the whole starting-at-the-beginning thing just couldn't. You think I'd have learned, but nooooooooo...

So I think I'm going to start over, but in the middle this time and see what happens.

Some random bits and pieces:

1) I kind of love that we now have canon on who's the top in Destiel. I'm not sure I agree with it, but I love it nonetheless. Rather the same way I love the fact that there's a "Bears that Knit" group on Ravelry; though it may baffle, it's just too fabulous in its very existence.

2) Speaking of the whole top/bottom thing, I'm having a lot of fun with the variety of opinions on the subject on the H5-O 'verse. Some pairings have a dominant paradigm that everyone agrees on from jump (Sentinel, anyone?) and the few brave souls that swap it up stand out for their awesome defiance of the groupthink, but 5-O fandom is definitely more undecided on the subject. For the record, to me Steve is the biggest bottom, like *ever* although I always enjoy alternate viewpoints.

3) Speaking of 5-O, I'm actually not looking forward to the finale tonight. I dislike cliffhangers in which I am certain to become emotionally invested and spend the next 4 months angsting over. Psychologists have a word for this by the way - parasociality. The immediacy and reality of TV and movies tricks our brains into thinking it's reality, and the next thing you know you're writing "Mrs. Perry King" on your social studies notebook and crying yourself to sleep because of the Moldavian wedding massacre (not that I did either of those things. Not at all. Nuh-uh.) (A bunch of people born after 1980 have no idea what I'm talking about there.) There you go: RPS explained.

4) I've been watching the BBC Sherlock kind of obsessively the last few months. I blame this on the fact that I'm going to England for a conference this year. Fortunately everything's already planned, or I'd probably spend the whole time stalking location shoots. (I may anyway, if the conference is really boring.) But also in there is the fact that it's goddamn @#$^& brilliant and makes me wish for the 100th time that I could stand Doctor Who, but apparently even this kind of brilliance isn't enough to get me over my Who issues. I can't even explain my Who issues. They just are.

There you go. I'm still around here. Somewhere. Looking for a starting point. In the middle.

thoughts, sherlock (bbc), hawaii 5-0 (2010), h50 big bang, spn

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