Альтернативная энергия в Азербайджане и туркменский газ для Набукко (?)

May 27, 2011 11:46

AVAZA, Turkmenistan - The isolated former Soviet republic of Turkmenistan is likely sitting on top of the world's second-largest gas field, British energy auditor Gaffney, Cline & Associates said Wednesday.

Peter Holding ... told an energy conference at a seaside resort in Turkmenistan that the vast South Yolotan field covers an area bigger than the country of Luxembourg.
"The South Yolotan field is so big that it can sustain several developments in parallel," Holding said. "We now need to concentrate on producing and delivering results."
Under a previous estimate made by the company, the field was believed to hold up to 14 trillion cubic meters of gas. Turkmen officials have repeatedly stated the top tier may be closer to 21 trillion cubic meters. That would put South Yolotan second in size only to the South Pars field, shared between Iran and Qatar.
Although foreign investors are eagerly eyeing the prospect of developing the reserves, the Turkmen government has so far resisted such overtures. In late 2009, the government itself began industrial exploration of South Yolotan and signed deals worth a total of $9.7 billion with companies from South Korea, China and the United Arab Emirates to do the work.Much of the funding for that operation has come from China, which has pledged loans worth $8.1 billion to Turkmenistan.
Russia also buys gas from Turkmenistan, but Moscow's demand has flagged the past two years. Plans to build a pipeline from Turkmenistan along neighboring Kazakhstan's Caspian coast up to Russia have fallen by the wayside.
Current President Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov has repeatedly stressed his goal to increase the number of export routes out of Turkmenistan - a policy eagerly supported by Western suitors. The European Union is hoping to claim a share in Turkmen gas on the planned $12 billion Nabucco pipeline, also supported by the United States...

Полностью здесь - thx to spectat.

А тем временем, в далёкой-далёкой галактике:

В Азербайджане ведется активная работа в сфере развития альтернативных источников энергии.

Как сообщил 1news.az глава Аппарата Министерства промышленности и энергетики Азербайджана Расим Мамедов, в частности, Государственному агентству по альтернативным и возобновляемым источникам энергии при Минпромэнерго правительством выделено 25 млн. манатов.

«18 млн. манатов из этой суммы израсходовано. В перспективе финансирование увеличится», - сказал Р. Мамедов.


Это хорошо. Знать бы ещё - на что израсходовано.

Так что долго ещё альтернативке быть падчерицей.

Газ, Китай, ЕС, Туркенистан, Набукко, СМИ, Турция, Политика, США, Азербайджан, Россия, Экономика

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