Feb 19, 2009 17:23
I know a few of the people on my flist have been or are students, I just wanted to know how people like actually concentrate when they have extensive amounts of written work to do?
I've always had problems with concentration and generally cant commit myself to anything significant, or stick with one activity for more than a half hour (maybe an hour or two in terms of like films i guess, but i cant read anything for that long). I just get ansty and bored and move on to something else. Subsequently I have half read books and fic, half watched tv episodes, films and so on coming out of my ears, but thats kind of unimportant compared with my studies.
I've literally only got two months left so I figure I can do this you know? Two months of intensive work so I come out of this with something to show for it, but the attention thing has just gotten worse.
So, anyone, how do we concentrate on amazingly dull things such as dissertations and essays? Tips? Advice?