Oct 21, 2007 21:57
Omg yayz Dumbledore is gay!
(That was my obligatory awknowledgment. Thanks, Melissa.)
Anyways, I went to my first high school homecoming dance Friday night. It sucked. You know a dance sucks when a) the only kind of "dancing" going on is male/female grinding, b) the FIRE ALARM actually went off for like twenty minutes as soon as you walked in, c) all the songs are of the hiphop/crunk/whatever you call it variety and has the EXACT SAME BEAT/TEMPO, and d) you couldn't believe you actually waited outside in the rain for 40+ minutes in order to get in.
My friend Catherine's sleepover birthday party on Saturday, however, was FABULOUS. It was THE absolute best thing that has happened to me this month, I swearrr. I saw (almost) everyone from the old gang over again and laughed more than I've laughed in a week. It was just... so fan-freakin'-tastic to feel like you have friends in the world.
The only downside was having to write a stupid short essay today. Urrgh. It must be like THE WORST essay I've written this year.
If I hadn't gone to the dance, this weekend would have been perrrrfection.
NaNo is coming in ten days and I have no outline. I finally decided that my MC's going to be called Valencia, though, and I'm going to keep attempting to write actual BELIEVABLE heterosexual fantasy/romance/mannerpunk.
writing: nanowrimo 2007,
fandom: harry potter,
me: school