Jun 17, 2005 09:57
I see LJ has this new tags thing. I could label nearly all my entries as girls, but I won't do it. Too damn lazy. I'm going to see Batman tonight with Aden and her superhero along with her trusty sidekick. I'm going to freak her out with my getting along with her superhero-ness!
Things are going pretty well, just the same ol' mundane schedule every week. Work 11-4 Monday through Friday, do random shit at night, watch CSI, etc. Work sometimes on Saturdays (like tomorrow). Working on Saturdays is the PITS, but I only have to do it like once a month, so it's not too bad at all. I'm still bowling, of course.
Wednesday and Sunday nights right now, but the Sunday league is about to end. Thank God for that one, I suck there. I should be getting better on the Wednesday, but I'm carrying like a high 170s average.
No news on the girl front and I told you that there won't be any while she's up north. I don't do that long distance crap. That never works, anyway. But yes, Corrick, this part is for you, because I know you were wondering (again).
I might go see Cindarella Man tomorrow with Tim, but we haven't ironed anything out for sure. I've been invited to a Graduation Party, also, so I'll see what I'm going to do. OH! Next Wednesday I'm going to Busch Gardens with my FREE gold pass that my mom got for me from one of her friends. It should be fun. Going with a few girls I know from bowling, haha. One of them digs me, but I have an age limit and 15 almost 16 ain't it. She's only GOING TO BE a sophomore in HIGH SCHOOL. AHHHHHHHHHH! She wasn't even in high school at the same time as me! Scary shiz.
By the way, the Shins are fucking amazing.
rock and roll,