Dec 20, 2010 20:01
Title: Jinjuu Houretsuden - The Mighty Legends of the Man-Beast
Type: Manga
Summary: In ancient China there exists an alternate dimension called Jusenkai, whose inhabitants, the Senkaijin, possess tremendous powers. One of them, YanLang, fled to Earth along with his rebel army after being defeated during his attempt to overthrow the Emperor. In order to capture the fugitives, the Emperor sent his elite soldiers to Earth after them. LiFang has been traveling alone to find his father’s murderer when he picks up a sick and injured man. That aloof man, TuoRen, turns out to be one of the imperial soldiers sent to earth to hunt and capture the Senkaijin rebels. While his comrades work in pairs, TuoRen prefers to be alone. That is, until the strangely powerful human, LiFang, decides to follow him on his quest…
Genre(s): Shounen Ai, Fantasy
Artist(s): MORIMOTO Shuu
Official Volumes: 13
Scanslation Status: Ongoing, Ch 12+
Scan Groups: Storm in Heaven
Review: It's strange but my favorite parts of this story are all the scenes w/ the pet panda cub.
Lifang helps an injured mysterious man one night, and end ups up inviting himself to be the man's companion despite the injured man's objections. In the end, Lifang' father's death may be related to Touren's mission and the two may have more in common than they think.
Touren is one of a handful of soldiers hunting for escaped rebels from an alternate dimension, however, he is the only one to not have a partner. Touren is the typical misunderstood tall, dark, handsome, and mysterious guy; while Lifang, is the light, optimistic, and friendly guy. Some parts are a bit sad, but it makes for good drama. Touren's history is interesting. So far, there is a lot less of a BL relationship than in "Asterisk" by the same author, whether there will be more is also doubtful. I'm still looking forward to learning more about the reasons for the war and what the escaped rebels on Earth are up to.
Rate: 7/10
a: morimoto shuu,
rate: 7,
!genre-shounen ai,
m: jinjuu houretsuden