wow, been a while, eh?
So... I'm trying to update things a bit more regularly. I've lost contact with almost all of my friends at home and a few here at the Purch. So hopefully this will prove to be a good way of keeping in touch with those i hardly see. i want to get into the habit now, so that this summer ill be rocking the lj, myspace and facebook.
so whats gone on in my life as of late?
well first and foremost: Kara! the girl is awesome, Wednesday is 8 months, woo! thats going really well. and i couldn't be more happy!
what else? i am officially a liberal studies/mass media major. why? because i did not get advanced standing in new media. its all politics. i truly tried my hardest and put forth a lot of effort into my website. my website: (best viewed in firefox, and yes it is Shmumway Productions, based off of my group back in high school when i was in video art). when told i did not receive advanced standing, i was laughed at by my professor, that was my last straw with the administration at this school. so i quickly switched to liberal studies and will be graduating next year on time.
the catch:
i need to take two summer courses this well... summer. so ill be working a lot, with classes and my two jobs (and possibly a third job, I'm so strapped for money).
well other things that have happened to me as of late:
went to comic con and met Guillermo Del Toro, that was really sweet.
almost done with classes and such. i need to program a game and i need to make a video all by Thursday/Friday. besides that, not too too much.
tomorrow i go see Flight of the Choncords in the city at town hall, that should be awesome.
oh and Iron man-freaking fantastic (stay after the credits if you want to wet yourself!).
so yeah my plans this summer:
besides working and classes, i have a lot of side projects to complete. i will be editing film for my friends bands, making an animated music video and also producing and publishing my own web comic by the end of august. it will be a weekly web comic. i plan on doing so much, cause last summer was a stinker. i need to keep myself motivated for my senior year/after i graduate.
also: im turning 21 this summer, not that im going to drink, but i want to have a big party with people from school and people from home to mix and mingle, and ill buy beer for people (cause i can, but i wont drink!)
so hopefully i can do that and it will be fun!
ill be home next Monday, but then i am heading back to school that Friday to see kara's graduation. i think a week after i start classes, so yeah, ill be home then.
so yeah, if your around, i would love to see you this summer, and i wish everyone the best of luck for finals! have a good night.