Alright, I'm going to be deleting the following people from my friends list. This is mostly because they don't use this journal anymore, they never comment, I never talk to them, or I just don't want them to read my journal. If you wanna be re-added, I will add you back. I just don't want a load of people on my friends list when half of them don't even read my journal or comment at all.
666bamargera666_awake__neverhavehope_shortie_totallylovinitashtonloverbeautifulxxbella_shamdirrty_dancindiscard_messagej_clogjustg1nalumierexmessed_up_onepoizonedheartzrainrain_puddleshamvitalesoinlov3stephanie_lyn_xstitchedlifethatssopunkx3lovmex3xxcutie4lifexx Like I said, if you want to be added back, just comment in this entry and I will add you back. But sooner or later I'm gonna delete this entry and you'll have to comment in the other public entry below. But if it really comes to that point, I might not add you back. Thanks ~ Kyle