Player's Name: Josie
AIM/email: ArtistJosie/
Josie@gio-tech.comPlayer LJ:
artistjosieTimezone: Eastern Time (US/Canada); GMT -5:00
Character: Colonel Jade Curtiss
Series/Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Original/Alternate: Original
Age: Thirty-five
Gender: Male
Species: Human (although there are some who would maintain that he is a devil)
Sexuality: Asexual (or so the world can hope)
Appearance: Jade looks far younger than his true age; he could easily pass for a man in his early-to-mid twenties, in fact. On top of this, the only physical feature that makes him seem even remotely imposing is his height (he stands at an impressive six-feet, one-inch), although he may seem gangly (perhaps even feminine) at best, as the height is coupled with an almost meager weight of 163 pounds; the impression is only added to by the fact that golden-brown hair that falls just past his shoulder blades. His most defining feature, however, would have to be his eyes, which have turned red through the use of a special fonic arte known as Fonic Sight (explained in his History). However, without regulation, Fonic Sight has the potential to go out of control. Thus, in spite of the fact that his vision is 20/10 in both eyes (after all, as he asserts, one cannot become a soldier with poor eyesight), he wears a special pair of glasses with a fonon-regulating effect. Most agree that, whenever he does take these glasses off, he looks even younger than usual, and that he is actually rather attractive (it's a known fact that most females who manage to catch him without his glasses on have a tendency to swoon). Jade himself has no shame in addressing his own physical appearance, even going so far as to state that he could have sworn he has a beautiful face regardless of if he has his glasses on or not.
Personality: "Sarcastic bastard" does not even begin to describe this Malkuthian colonel. His comments can rarely be taken seriously, as he always has some quip to make about almost every situation (in fact, it is a very rare occasion that he doesn't have something that could be construed as demeaning to say about something or someone). Very few people actually understand his particular brand of humor, however, and even fewer have come to the realization that he will only make his most teasing comments towards those who he finds to be particularly important (a fact that is lost on at least one such person). All of this isn't to say that Jade isn't exceptionally serious, however. In fact, there are few who can understand the gravity of a situation in the way that he can, and he seems to have a natural gift for keeping his cool even in the worst of times. It's very rare to catch any amount of emotion in his voice, and rarer still to find it displayed on his face. His seemingly naturally-condescending nature can lead people to believe that he is far crueler than he truly is, however; when push comes to shove, Jade can feel out a situation with the best of them and, in spite of the fact that death has never been something that bothered him, if he does feel strongly enough for a person, he will do what he can to ensure that person's life.
That said, he's more introverted than not, and is likely to not voice his concerns over an issue until they have been proven correct; this may seem cold-hearted of him, but it's possible that his reasons for this lie in the fact that stating his concerns could just cause those around him to worry unnecessarily. In the event that he does mention them, however, it's probably a good idea to hear him out, as it's simply not in his nature to speak on mere conjecture. Because of his uncanny ability to understand most material laid out to him, there is very little that would seem to surprise him, and, on the other hand, he's more likely to surprise (or even annoy) others with the way that he remains stoically calm in the face of stunning matters. This isn't something that he has simply grown into, however; those who knew him as a child also know that he was always that way. Never one to shout, never one to run, never one to really let himself be seen as losing his cool. In the rare event that his concern seems even marginally impassioned, it is because the concerns are over someone that he cares deeply for; in some rare cases, the words will quickly be followed by one of Jade's trademark sarcastic comments.
Most feel that an interpreter is necessary where Jade is concerned; his actions and words can hurt anyone who doesn't understand his nature even marginally. However, this said, the worse that he seems, the more highly he likely is of a person. For instance, Jade will never scold a person arbitrarily; in the event that someone is on the receiving end of his lectures, it is because he sincerely believes that he or she is capable of far more than the person is trying to accomplish, or because someone who he had such faith in has managed to disappoint him.
In spite of all of this, however, there is one person who can get Jade to whine (if only mildly) or make him feel remotely uncomfortable: Malkuth's Emperor Peony IX. As Jade's best friend, the emperor knows just what would make him squirm, and so, while Jade will almost playfully scold his good friend on his laid-back nature and off-handed comments that have a tendency towards confusing those he speaks to (such as when Peony confused a certain young Kimlascan noble by referring to Jade as "my Jade"), the emperor gets him back through his own jokes and mannerisms (such as creating a costume for Jade that makes him look like "an evil fonist right out of a fairy tale" or referring to the rappig that he has named after Jade as "my cute little Jade"). No one else had - to anyone's knowledge - managed such a feat, however.
Abilities/Weaponry: Jade is, simply put, a genius. As a child, he was able to control fonic artes that most adults would find extremely difficult to use, as well as came up with the theories behind fomicry (the art of replication; explained further in his History). Moreover, he can understand things that most people wouldn't be able to even begin to imagine. As a soldier, Jade's abilities extend from great physical prowess to an almost unsurpassable control over his fonic artes; his abilities have led him to become rather infamous. A point of note is that he utilizes a fusion arte utilizing the Contamination Effect to store his spear out of sight; this effect occurs when fonons and elements of matter separate and refuse together; using this, as well as utilizing the difference in fonons and the elements that comprise them between living and inorganic materials, he temporarily fuses his spear with the outer layer of his right arm.
Weaknesses: His greatest weakness, by his own admittance, is that he lacks the capacity to understand the difference between life and death; he simply cannot recognize the line and where it can and cannot be pushed. This said, he does have some capacity for wishing that the people he feels are important will live. His greatest mistake came out of his lack of understanding the value in life, and he has resolved to spend the rest of his life atoning for that crime.
History: Jade admits, once and only once, that he actually wishes that he could go back in time and kill himself as a newborn, so as to prevent the "troublesome things" that he is responsible for having created.
Malkuth's Colonel Jade Curtiss grew up in Keterberg, the northern resort city for the nobility. Born as Jade Balfour, he lived with his sister, Nephry, and lived just a few houses away from his childhood friend, Saphir Wyon Neis (see: Dist the Reaper). The two studied under the tutelage of Professor Gelda Nebilim, who taught out of her own home. Largely to Jade's dismay, Saphir would come to his house each morning so that they could walk to Professor Nebilim's house together; Jade chastised him for this once, going so far as to blame the fact that he was tired that morning on Saphir because the other boy insisted on going out of his way to pick him up each morning (as Professor Nebilim's house was between their homes). Even in his youth, he was rather distant and perhaps cold, never truly seeming to care much when his words would hurt his friend.
This said, Jade was not without any human quality; he deeply respected Nebilim, partly because of her prowess as a fonist and ability with the Seventh Fonon, and partly because she was more than just an ordinary teacher. She cared deeply for her students, and specifically showed concern for Jade's well-being when she feared that he might do something harmful to himself. Moreover, knowing of Jade's ambition and love of knowledge, she permitted him the use of any books within her personal collection that he wished to use.
His final relation of note in his youth was with the emperor's young son, Peony, who was put into hiding within a mansion in Keterberg for his own safety. Jade would often sneak into the young prince's home through the other boy's bedroom window to spend time with him (to accomplish this, he managed to trick Saphir into distracting the guards for him). Their early relation to each other set the tone for their friendship through to the present; when Jade went to leave once, Peony pulled him back and warned him that he would sabotage Jade's escape if he refused to come visit him again. One scream from the prince, after all, and the young Jade would be placed in prison. Jade acknowledged this and even bestowed upon Peony his recognition of the other boy as quite the schemer.
At the age of eight, he began to show curiosity towards a dangerous arte known as Fonic Sight. The theory behind this arte is that, because the greatest fon slot on the human body is the eyes, applying a fonic arte there would increase the user's fonic abilities by three times. However, it is a very dangerous arte in that, if not applied properly, at best, the user could lose his sight entirely, and at worst, he risks killing himself (as well as anyone surrounding him) in an explosion caused by his fonic abilities being thrown out of control. At the time, he was unsure of just what to do with such an arte, however, and so inquired with Professor Nebilim about the process; she tried to discourage him, and, for a time, it seemed that she did. However, Jade was far too bright for his own good, even at such a young age. Two years later, Nebilim pulled him aside to ask him about his eyes. She mentioned that it may have simply been a mistake on her part, but she could swear that he had placed fonon inscriptions onto his eyes, with the hope that he would deny her fear. However, he confirmed her suspicion, mentioning that he had thought on the matter and decided to do it for himself, in an order to gain greater power. At Nebilim's insistence that it was too dangerous an art to use (the danger is so great that all texts describing it have been deemed forbidden), Jade simply insisted that, because she was born with the Seventh Fonon, she couldn't possibly understand that he had no other way of accomplishing his goals. This was, perhaps, one of the most frightening displays of his ambition in his youth. Also, because of his Fonic Sight, Jade's eyes need fonon-regulation, and thus he acquired a pair of fontech glasses for this purpose.
Along with the fact that he was able to actually properly apply Fonic Sight to himself, Jade was also able to control many other powerful fonic artes as a child that even most adults would find extremely difficult to use. This may have had some hand in his inability to distinguish the difference between life and death; he sees no true meaning in life, and, as a child, took great amusement out of killing even the most harmless monsters as a test for his own power. This is one of the things that caused Nephry to wonder if Jade's mind even works like that of any other person. She asserts later in life once, to Luke fon Fabre, that Jade is perhaps more devil than human.
The other reason for this concern, however, came with the incident that led to Jade's formation on the theories behind the science of replication: fomicry (one of a number of almost perverse artes that he came up with as a child; another would be the technology of forcibly bringing fonons into one's body). When the two were children, she grew annoyed at her brother for his refusal to play with her. In her annoyance, she swung her doll at him, but lost her grip. The doll went flying and broke, and Jade announced to his sister that it was dead. However, rather than simply going to buy a new doll to replace the one that had broken, Jade's mind told him to, instead, replace it by making a copy. So, using his fonic artes, he took the inanimate doll's data and replicated it. This first replica was imperfect, but began Jade's work towards determining what would make the process go smoothly. His research into this became a collaboration with Saphir; Jade developed the theories, and Saphir came up with the fon machines that would be necessary to put them into action.
Jade's ambition continued to grow, however. In spite of the fact that he had applied Fonic Sight to himself, Jade still wanted to gain the ability to use the Seventh Fonon; he refused to listen to warnings that trying to control the Seventh Fonon without having been born with the potential to use it would cause every fonon in his body to mutate. His attempted fonic arte went out of control, lighting Nebilim's residence on fire. With his mentor near death, Jade had an idea; enlisting Saphir's help, he brought Nebilim to the edge of town and informed his friend that he would create a replica of her before she died. Without the fon machines to allow the two to create a replica through the use of Seventh Fonons, however - a much more stabile way to create replicas, as Jade had discovered - Jade was forced to use fonic artes in the creation, as he had done with Nephry's doll. Upon the creation of the replica Nebilim, Saphir was relieved, praising Jade's work.
However, as Jade had realized in creating the replica of the doll in the past, the problem with creating a replica through fonic artes results in the replica missing some fonons; in a living replica, this problem causes mental instability. In the replica Nebilim's case, she was missing First and Sixth Fonons (of the elements Shadow and Rem, respectively). Shortly after the creation of the replica, a Malkuthian soldier came to investigate what the two boys were up to; the replica Nebilim killed the soldier immediately, frightening Saphir. Jade attempted to kill her, as she knew of nothing but destruction, but she disappeared before he was able to; this replica managed to destroy an entire company of fonists to steal their First and Sixth Fonons in an attempt to complete herself before she was finally sealed away in a crag in the blizzards north of Keterberg.
Jade views the creation of the replica Nebilim as his greatest crime, and, along with Peony, has created a ban on the use of fomicry on living things. In spite of this, Nephry still worries that Jade might once again try to replicate Professor Nebilim. However, Jade knows that such an endeavor would be worthless; at this point, the only reason he would want to see Nebilim again would be for forgiveness, which is something that he would never be able to obtain from a replica, as replicas do not have the memories of their originals' lives.
Not long after this, Jade's talent with fonic artes were recognized and he was adopted by Malkuth's famous Curtiss military family. However, in his youth, he spent time debating between whether he wanted to enter the military or whether he wanted to study medicine to become an autopsist. He eventually settled on military service. From the very first battle that he was involved in, Jade became a sort of legend on the battlefield; stories began spreading that he would scour the battlefields upon victory, selecting corpses to reanimate the dead. One such rumor even began that the entire Third Division of Malkuth's military, which Jade became commander of, was comprised of reanimated corpses, but such rumors proved to be false. Regardless, the rumors led to Jade being known as the Necromancer.
However, part of his involvement in the military involved fomicry research that was conducted on the island of Hod. In ND2002, war broke out between Malkuth and Kimlasca on Hod. Due to this war, all fonic experiments on Hod were shut down; after all, with the battles, there would be no time for fomicry research. In this, the previous Emperor - Peony's father - decided to destroy Kimlasca's military along with Hod. One of the test subjects from the research was connected to a device to artificially generate a hyperresonance, which destroyed the island and the data along with it.
One thing that stands out to other members of Malkuth's military as an oddity where Jade is concerned is his rank; his prowess indicates that he could easily have already become a Lieutenant General, but he has refused promotions since becoming a Colonel. There is no real explanation as to why he would do such a thing, although some speculation might lead to the question of whether he possibly feels that gaining too much power within the military would cause him to once again forget his limits, or perhaps prevent him from atoning for his own crimes.
Jade's military service cannot be mentioned without at least a brief note on the Contamination Effect, however. This is largely due to the spear that he uses in the event that he must attack an enemy physically. Because the weapon would be cumbersome while he casts fonic artes, he instead opted for a method that would keep it out of his way, but able to be called forth at moment's notice whenever he needed it. Thus, he used a fusion arte that utilizes the Contamination Effect to do this. Simply put, this is an effect where fonons and the elements that comprise matter separate and then refuse together, not unlike the fusion used in general synthesis. Because not only fonons in organic and inorganic materials differ, but also the elements that comprise them, Jade is able to utilize those differences to temporarily fuse his sphere with the outer layer of skin on his right arm, allowing him to "conveniently" only take it out when necessary. However, it is not a simple effect to utilize (yet another testimony to Jade's skill), and the body normally rejects the effect. The rejection can range anywhere from mild mental instability to full insanity if the user is particularly unreceptive. Jade spent many years mastering this skill in order to be able to use it to his advantage.
In ND2018, seeing that relations had deteriorated so horribly with Kimlasca, the Malkuth Empire collaborated with Fon Master Ion of the Order of Lorelei to offer a peace treaty to Kimlasca's King Ingobert VI. Jade was assigned to ensure that Ion, his guardian, Anise, and the request for peace, would all make it to the king. During this mission, they met Luke fon Fabre and Tear Grants in the grocer's hamlet, Engeve; Jade later lent them assistance within the Cheegle Woods when the two fought against the Liger Queen, who had refused their request that she take the ligers and her eggs back up to the forest in the north. However, he had been tracking the two ever since they had illegally crossed the Kimlasca-Malkuth border due to an unexpected hyperresonance when the two met. He arrested them as they were leaving the woods, bringing them onto Malkuth's land battleship, Tartarus, where he learned of their true identities and requested their aid in the mission of peace to Kimlasca.
Upon the completion of his mission - which did not come without its fair share of interruptions, not the least of which was the loss of the Tartarus to the Order of Lorelei's six God-Generals - to bring the request for treaty to Kimlasca, Jade then accompanied Luke, as an emissary of Malkuth, to the miner's city of Akzeriuth (currently part Malkuth's territory, although it is a land in constant dispute) that had become plagued by poisonous miasma. In the aftermath of Akzeriuth, where the Sephiroth supporting it was destroyed and the land collapsed, he - along with their companions - became drawn into an intricate plot that could - and would - eventually destroy all of Auldrant. Thus began renewed efforts to prevent such a fate from occurring.
In these travels, Jade did become close with his five (sorry, six, if counting the cheegle Mieu) companions, as well as began to draw some concern for the God-General Asch, who turned out to be aiding them (though with his own purpose), and his rather brash actions. He was always very watchful of everyone with him, making him the first to notice any odd behavior; in some (such as Anise), he would let it slide after a brief mention in order to see how it would play out. In others (such as Luke), he would chastise the behavior, particularly if some information was being kept from everyone else. He grew, probably much to his dismay, close to Luke, especially, almost as a father might to his child, and did not enjoy the possibility of Luke's death in the slightest, going so far as to tell the boy that he must come back alive from his endeavors.
Worse yet for him, however, was the idea of the effects of the Contamination Effect on Luke, and the Big Bang that would occur between both Asch and Luke because of their circumstance. The second refers to a theory in fomicry that he had formed as something that would occur between an original and its replica in the event of perfect isofons: after some time, his theory stated, the original's power would decrease, until all would end up within the replica, and the original's life would end. However, his theory did not allow for the aftermath of such a situation; he found out, years later, that after this would occur, the Big Bang's effect would then take the replica's life, returning it and all that it had taken to the original. In the end, the replica would be the one to die. His hopes turned to Luke, that his theory might be proven wrong, as Luke had exceeded his expectations in the past. It was to his sorrow - although he did not show it - that this did not come to pass. Unfortunately, as Asch's life had already been lost by the time that his Big Bang should have initiated, it seemed that the effect would not follow through properly.
It was to Jade's great surprise and relief (again, not that he truly showed it beyond a gentle smile) that Luke returned to them, months later, as he and their companions had been conducting their own, private memorial service in his honor.
One final note, on the matter of the replica of Professor Nebilim, he did manage to deal with the problem, through the help of Luke and their companions. In obtaining the six Catalyst Weapons (three of which are comprised of First Fonons and three of Sixth Fonons) to the Planetary Fonic Arte, they discovered the location of this arte and went there to learn more. In studying the fonic glyph, Jade realized that a second glyph had been placed over the original and that they should be cautious; however, as he was mentioning this, the God-General, Dist the Rose, told them to continue what they were doing. Not knowing what would happen, they placed the weapons into the slots set for them, whereupon Dist mentioned that Nebilim would be revived. Unfortunately, Jade realized too late that this was where the replica Nebilim had been sealed away, and was only able to give a last-moment notice before she attacked (an attack which hit Dist).
Upon finally defeating the replica along with the help of his allies and through the use of the Planetary Fonic Arte, Jade finally filled everyone but Luke in on just who Professor Nebilim was and why he created a replica of her (Luke, on the other hand, already knew the story because Nephry had told him out of concern). He hopes now that her soul might be left to rest in peace. On the other hand, Jade had Dist arrested when he followed them to Grand Chokmah for crimes against Malkuth in stealing the military's data on the Planetary Fonic Arte. And so his past was laid to "rest."
Sample Journal Entry: My, my, isn't this interesting?
I would almost have to wonder if this isn't one of His Imperial Majesty's jokes. He seldom knows just where to draw the line, after all, so it's not entirely implausible, now, is it? Although I would assume that he is more likely to try them against certain prisoners for his own amusement ... His Majesty does so love the reactions that he can get, after all.
However, regardless of what may have been the cause of this, it comes at a most inconvenient time. Honestly ... who thinks to play pranks on an ailing old man in the first place? They don't realize that these bones ache at such an age, I suppose.
On the other hand, this will be putting my work terribly behind schedule, and I'm sure that I cannot even begin to hope that someone might step in to take care of it in my stead. Alas, the pressing inspections of Engeve and St. Binah will just have to wait as I work my way back home. I do hope they'll be able to manage somehow.
... I am somewhat concerned over what else might occur in my absence, however; I am sure that it is unfounded, but there is always the possibility that there might be someone else out there as foolish as Casim who would attempt feats that are far too great for his own ability. Pitiable, really. The youths these days ... so much potential, and they squander it on such meaningless trivialities as hopeless ambition.
Well, with some manner of luck, this won't be causing too much difficulty for anyone, and perhaps I'll be getting a ... oh, how did His Majesty phrase it? Ah, yes, a 'well-deserved break.' We'll nevermind that it is under his orders that I am so 'overworked,' as he says.
As for this place ... how strange it is. I've not seen anything quite like it in my travels, although I suppose that it could be called vaguely reminiscent of Yulia City. Perhaps this was done to the wrong man from Malkuth; why, I'm sure that Guy would have been so very excited to see such a place. I'll have to keep some notes in mind with which to tantalize his fancy when I return.
Perhaps I will even be so kind as to allow Luke to be there to watch; the poor boy could probably use the amusement of late.
Until then, I suppose that the proper thing to do would be an exploration of the surrounding area to gain a better understanding of my circumstance. A pity there is no one with me to aid in such tiresome matters.
Colonel Jade Curtiss
Third Division, Malkuth Imperial Forces
Sample Roleplay: Jade's natural curiosity hadn't truly been tested in months. Sometimes, he wondered if that was a particularly good thing or not. On one hand, it meant that his life had finally settled down, at least marginally. On the other, it left him free to his thoughts, which was something that had proven problematic more than once in the past. Still, he liked to think that age had granted him some degree of ability to reign himself in as necessary, so as to prevent any real issues that he might create. Certainly, he had more than enough reason to not come up with any new theories; all of those that he had been involved with in the past had proved more troublesome than they were worth.
He'd thought, at least, that he would have some degree of normalcy in his life, if such a thing were truly possible. At the very least, things were starting to go well - he almost dared to say that they were, in fact, right for once. There was no immediate danger to the world, one of his greater fears and (dare he say it?) hopes had turned out in a manner that he had wanted it to, and life was starting to actually become a bit more simplistic. Or, at least, as much as it could when friends with an emperor who liked to name his pets after the people he was closest to.
He'd even noticed, much to his own personal amusement, that the imprisoned Dist had (at least seemingly) begun to regain at least some semblance of sanity in the past months.
And then, inexplicably, Jade had found himself in a new mess.
He'd been minding his own business, really - well, as much as could be expected, of course - when he'd suddenly noticed that he certainly was no longer in his office. No, instead, he was in an almost chillingly white room - the sentiment coming from him was saying something - and feeling like he'd been without his glasses for some days. Something almost like the smallest nugget of fear wedged into him, and he considered if, perhaps, this was what his death would be like; if his fonons would go out of control due to the lack of regulation.
And then the nausea finally hit him.
He'd walked from the room, half-dazed, and listened to the 'welcome' that awaited him, thinking all the while that, even among Malkuth's more stringent military personnel, he would never have found such harsh greeting. Once again, from him, the sentiment was saying something. He'd remained silent.
It was only afterwards, when he was outdoors in a place that looked far colder than Keterberg and more forbidding than any of the passage rings, that he actually noticed that his initial thought of not having his glasses had been false. So, then, if not that, then it must have been something that they did to me. How interesting ... A small part of him - that curious nature again - wondered if the feeling had been similar to what Asch had felt when he had been replicated in Choral Castle, or perhaps even if the effect had been similar to how Luke had felt when connected to that same machine in that same place in Asch's plan to open his fon slots. But, then, he realized, that the situation was probably far too different.
However, he also realized that it did not discount the possibility of the effect being similar to accidental transport through hyperresonance. Ironically, that was yet another feeling that Luke would certainly know about.
And here he was with no means of getting the answer.
Nevertheless, he'd begun to scour the area, taking note of any significant differences - of which there were many - between this place and Auldrant. He'd even made an initial test of if he could still use his artes properly; it was almost pleasurable to watch the small, contained explosion of his Flame Burst (he'd decided against risking anything too large, not wanting to draw much attention to himself), and he'd even been able to draw his spear from his arm and replace it as always.
How interesting, he thought, looking up towards the sky, his face as stoic as always. No Fonstone Ring, no noticeable Fon Belt, and yet I can still draw in fonons for use. The idea was almost preposterous. Certainly, it wasn't something that had ever been considered possible on Auldrant, although he realized, in that case, it would have made things far easier to swallow when taking into consideration the stopping of the Planet Storm.
Looking around himself again, red eyes remained calm behind a pair of fonon-regulating glasses. Whatever this place is, he thought, it can't possibly be worse than having to work through Eldrant. No, indeed. All that it would take would be enough observation, and he could return to his home.
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