Jul 16, 2007 13:05
All is well enough, it would appear, at least within these walls. I dare say I feel some weakening of the glyphs, however, which is at least marginally disconcerting, although not entirely unexpected. There is only so much that can be done under the circumstances.
It would appear that the children have grown restless, however, which is rather unsurprising given the situation. I can't imagine being so cramped in has done anything to improve their dispositions, but as long as they keep relatively silent about such troubles, I suppose it should all be fine.
Nephry, I do hope that you're faring well enough for the time being; I lament that you've been forced into this situation at all, much less in such dire times.
Do try not to get yourselves killed out there, Luke, Anise, the rest of you. I wouldn't want to have to explain that away.
[filtered to Saphir ♣ Unhackable]
You've been particularly silent as opposed to usual. What disturbs you this time?
[/filtered to Saphir ♣ Unhackable]
Colonel Jade Curtiss
Third Division, Malkuth Imperial Forces
fonic glyph,
ou: dist,
ou: anise tatlin,
au: genis sage,
au: luke,
ou: nephry