Oct 09, 2010 11:31
Gah, I haven't done one of these in a long time~ NOW LET'S SEE IF I CAN GET THEM ALL and yes my NMH-named fish have THEIR FULL NAMES :D
14 Gallon:
Pearl Gourami - Ike (M?)
Purple Veiltail Betta - Harvey Moiseiwitsch Volodarskii (M)
Rosy Barbs - Lucian (M), Will (F), Charlie Macdonald (...i'll get back to you on that)
Snakeskin Gourami - Harword (M? lol i cant tell with gouramis)
Zebra Danios - Klavier and Kristoph (haha i can't tell with danios either, i'll say male for now)
Raphael Catfish - Erend (....wat)
African Brown Knife - Caspian (OH FUCK IT)
Peppered Cory Catfish - Cayenne (M)
Bronze Cory Catfish - Itsuki (F)
Yeah I'm kinda overstocked but they don't seem to mind. They have a little understanding I guess, they don't attack each other or anything~ I just have to make sure they can all hide, which they can. When I has a moneys again, I would like to get a couple more cories to help clean up the bottom of the tank. plus cories are cute. And I need another emerald because I miss Aaron ;A;