(no subject)

Dec 20, 2000 19:21

Name: Jacob Rupert Anser
Age: 52
Birthday: November 18, 1955
Birthtown: Boston, Massachusetts

Fairy Tale
Character: Mother Goose
Story: Various fairy tale and nursery rhyme anthologies
Ability: None.
Position: Head Librarian, European Tales
Notable Predecessors: Mother Goose has had numerous incarnations over the centuries, including anthologist Robert Samber, responsible for the first Mother Goose collection in America, and Maurice Ravel, composer of the ballet suite Ma Mere L'Oye. Although Jacob would deny it vehemently, he was also previously the mythic Bostonian storyteller Mary Goose, whom is often mistakenly considered 'the original' Mother Goose.
Tale Status: As a Librarian Jacob's Tale is pretty much public knowledge, though he's not particularly pleased about it. He doesn't exactly advertise it, but his litany of popular nicknames - among them Goosie, Gooseface, Mother Dearest and Papa Goose - make it rather obvious.

Profession: Professor of Literature and Literary Theory
Employer: New York University
E-Mail: jacob.anser@nyu.edu


Jacob Rupert Anser is a quintessential misanthrope. His most redeeming quality is that he seems to dislike everyone equally, and thus does not make any particular individuals the preferred victims of his constant verbal abuse. His moods range from dismissive to openly critical, and is quite comfortable outright ignoring the positive aspects of any situation to focus on whatever can, has or will go wrong.

Few can remember if Jacob has always been so crotchety, but none of his students nor any tales have known him otherwise. Although steadily patronizing and constantly exasperated, Jacob is nonetheless diligent and thorough in both his work as a professor and a Head Librarian. He watches over the European tales with a wary eye, and though he professes indifference constantly, he's swift to interfere if he feels any of his 'wards' are in trouble. His attitude is suspiciously close to that of the harried mother, but he's swift to curtail any comparisons to his aviatic originator.

While taciturn in any displays of emotion whatsoever, Jacob has been known to make (maternal?) connections, that present themselves almost indistinguishably through heavy sarcasm. Of course, his refusal to give earnest answers to earnest questions makes it nigh impossible to discern where his favor lies. Although he would dismiss it offhand as naive hogwash, he follows a moral code that tends to keep him favoring with protagonists over antagonists in the tale community.


Jacob Rupert Anser was born to intelligentsia parents Richard and Elizabeth Anser in Boston, Massachusetts. His parents were both Harvard professors, of Medicine and Law, respectively. His family was typical in that upper class WASPy sort of way, with minimal but present affection and encouragement in his youth. He was, of course, groomed nearly from birth for his inception into Harvard, which naturally came to pass. Even without his family connections, he proved a bright young man from the get go, and excelled in all his undergrad subjects.

Of course, no Bostonian family is complete without rebellious scandal, and the Ansers were rocked by theirs when Jacob came out and declared his major as English Literature. His parents were furious that he would choose anything so frivolous, but Jacob was adamant: he felt an almost preternatural connection with the world of fiction. He further invoked the ire of his parents by opting to do his PhD at a non-ivy league school, specifically New York University.

This, of course, was not a decision made entirely for the sake of education; at the time his tale nature had also awoken, and he had been contacted by the Atheneum. He opted to move to New York to explore the literary world both academically and secretly, delving deep into the theory of fairy tales both in the classroom and the Pentamerone. This intersecting platform of study made him an expert in the field of literary theory, and also an authority within the tale community. Both statuses led to him rising through the ranks, ultimately landing him as a professor at NYU and a Head Librarian in the Atheneum.

Although his passion for the world of literature lives on, Jacob has grown exhausted and disillusioned after years of dealing with blase students and reckless tales. He has adopted a snarky, dispassionate exterior in his dealings with both worlds, but despite constant comments about giving up either, he remains staunchly devoted to both responsibilities.

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Brown; Scruffy
Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Ruffled, usually unshaven, with a weathered look and creases betraying his age. Despite the aura of constant exasperation, his body language can be surprisingly youthful.
Dress: Rumpled suits, no tie. The musty, academic look.
Speech: Deadpan and biting.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Single
Turn-Ons: Headstrong women, pessimism, education, world-weariness
Turn-Offs: Optimism, youth, anything that glitters
Vices: Scotch, red meat, sarcasm

Player: Ryan
Portrayed By: Hugh Laurie
Disclaimer: I am not Hugh Laurie, nor in any way responsible for the great litany of Mother Goose stories and rhymes out there

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