Oct 07, 2004 10:27
I feel like everything is changing, too much is going on. I wish everything could just stop and we could all go back to the summer when nothing was happening and everything was constant, cause I can't keep up with everything thats happening, its way too much.
Yesterday was kinda stressful, NHS is no honor don't be mistaken its way more work then it should be, or maybe I make everything harder then it needs to be which is why I probably failed my math test yesterday. But I don't think that was my fault there was a kid behind me kicking the shit out of my desk I don't understand why he thought this was necessary, and I didn't want to say anything cause I was soo frustrated I was afraid of coming off as a big bitch. Then I had pottery that is the best class ever everyday my teacher tells me how much my bowl I'm making sucks, yesterday I asked him if my bowl was growing on him he said I sure hope nothing like that ever grows on me. The other day he also told me that it gets uglier and bigger every day hes afraid one day he will check on me and the bowl will be as big as the table, I laughed, my bowl is unique and I like it. Then I coached, these little girls are impossible they like to sit and whine but their so cute I can't raise my voice so I seem to have an incredible amount of patience.
Today, so far has been ok, expect for the shaving cream can that fell on my big toe in the shower this morning after that incident I wanted to crawl back in bed and cry. Then I went to school and got lots of candy from a teacher who thinks shes teaching elementary school along my progress report, then came home my stupid dog chewed up the only pair of heels I own because I am still practicing cause I am a BIG loser. Now I am about to start college application time, I hate my life.
<3 kate