The Story Begins

Sep 13, 2010 15:51

At 23-years-old I have decided to become a vegetarian. This was done for two main reasons: one, I am fat and tired of it, and two, I genuinely don;t enjoy the taste, texture or feel of meat. Since I was little I have avoided it to a certain degree, but this led to further unhealthy choices that have led me to where I am today. Now, I am changing it by changing my outlook, lifestyle, diet and overall health. I am inviting you to watch me take the leap, which could have some humorous consequences, if we are lucky.

So, here is what I have done so far:
  • Spoken to my annoyingly preachy veggie friends about recommended books to get started. This led to me buying 'Vegetarian Times: Vegetarian Beginner's Guide', 'The New Becoming Vegetarian by Vesanto Melina, MS, RD & Brenda David, RD' and 'The Idiots Guide to Vegetarianism'. Yeah, I know, but I will be the first to cop to being an idiot. 
  • Started gathering recipes from health websites, such as Spark People, which has a ton in their Spark Recipes area. Also checked Whole Foods for a list of some of the most pretentious meal ideas I have ever seen and I am sure I will never use.
  • Started looking into local farmer's markets and health food stores, comparing prices. I think I will be going to the farmer's market nearby for all of my produce, but other goodies might be reserved for the cheapest I have found, which is from the vegan aisle as my local Kroger.
  • Told everyone I know I am doing this so I will be shamed if I give in and start scarfing down Carl's Jr. Guacamole burgers like there's no tomorrow three days in.
That is my list so far, and I now plan on slowly reducing my meat intake the "mainstream" way. I am starting immediately this week with red meat and pork. In a few weeks, once I have got that down I will cut out all poultry, and then all fish, which will be hard...I may not like meats but I sure as hell love my salmon and tuna.

The good news for me, and what gives me the strength to keep going, is knowing that I can still allow myself occasional bits of meat along the way. For example, I don't always want fish; I tend to crave it about once every few weeks. I think it is acceptable to crack open a can and eat it on whole wheat with veggies every once and awhile. Though the side of me that has had the claws of activism hooked into me is slowly turning me away from it.

Damn you, weren't supposed to be a part of this!

no meat, story begins, vegetarianism, first post, the beginning

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