Angry, angry sh*t sh*tty sh*t sh*t!

Mar 14, 2009 18:27

Oh how I despise thieves.

Some turd sucking, buttcrack fingering,  pecker jerking, pud whacking, dirty douche water gargling, twat hair braiding peter puffer STOLE my friend's daughter's four hundred damn dollar cell phone.  He walked in and took it right out of her brother's living room, right off her brother's couch.  The damn dirty piece of white trash is going to get away with it too. Nobody in the family will do anything about it because they don't want to make any of the sticky fingered shit sucker and his family angry at them.  Good grief.  I hope he gets hemorhoids the size of canteloupes. I hope his sack sags to his knees. I hope he grows breasts like a woman. I hope he gets raped by Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Bigfoot. I hope he is abducted by aliens and probed repeatedly in his nether regions, becomes the first man impregnated by aliens and has to give birth to a litter of 40 pound human/alien hybrids right out his rumpus. I hope he experiences bout after bout of mindbendingly horrific explosive diarrhea. I hope he's out with his woman and shits all over himself, in her car.

I hate thieves. Thieves and liars. Hang them up and use them for pin cushions and pinatas. Damn dirty piles.
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