Jun 15, 2010 16:25
I'm well on my way down to my target weight of anything under 200 lbs.
About a month ago I get 230 and realized that needed to change. Alex and I both got on the Hacker Diet. Or as I like to call it "Stop being a fatty and don't eat so fucking much" diet. Basically eat way less than your body burns naturally. As a 6'1" male with a medium frame my body burns ~2200 cals a day. I've cut back to eating 1100-1300. It's great. I'm down to 209 with barely any work.
Things I'm still eating: Burgers, Whoppers, beer, Taco Bell
Major Changes: No more French fries, BK Apple Fries for the win! Diet Pepsi, Coke Zero or Crystal Light. No cheese, no mayo.
And just generally eating less. I go to a restaurant, order whatever the hell I want. Eat half of it for dinner and the other half for lunch the next day. I'm feeling great, looking better and haven’t exercised once. Workouts are for chumps, controlled starvation gets results!