My vida es muy interesante...

Apr 27, 2006 20:53

Well, that's cool. Alida found my livejournal! Hello Alida! How goes it, young chap? Tehehehe...

Anywhom, I can't wait until the Murder Mystery Play. It's going to be so much fun! Yehaw! Alida, you're going, right??? So far, Superman, Shannon, Pat and John are going. Lol, I wouldn't be surprise if John came dressed up as a Catholic nun or shouted stuff at us when we make a few harmless remarks about catholics on stage...

Tennis was ok. We lost the match and I played against Mr. C's daughter. She was nice, atleast I think. She didn't swear, but the other girl did. Oh well, they think that I swear all the time too on court, but really I'm just saying "Fudge..."

Shoot, I had something to say, but I just forgot it. Um... um... I AM TERESA LEIA MYNCH, DARN IT! Lol. In the cat clans, I'm apparently known as "Mudstar of WindClan"... or so says my sister, who's obsessed with these "Warriors" series about cats that fight and kill and are warriors, obviously. The DaVinci Code is wicked sweet, I'm loving it, lol. Oh, and Death to Snoopy. I don't know why I said that, but everytime I think death, I think Snoopy, which is really really really weird. Oh well, I guess I am weird, lol... its what makes me me.

BTW, Lord of the Rings elves are sooo much cooler in battle than Santa's puny elves. Don't you agree? I certainly do. Tiny elves with hammers cannot beat tall elves with swords and bows. Psh, Neil should see LOTR so he can find out how wrong he is...

We decorated the Tennis locker room with signs (Its like a bagel in the afternoon, we got lucky, watch out for the tennis ball theives, etc, etc, etc) and balloons and confetti and streamers and japanese lanterns and hawaiian stuff and magazine pics of tennis guys. I have this HUGE research paper I should be writing right now, but since I am so lazy, I'm not writing it. I should just skip school and not do any homework, because it's not even worth it, ugh. Stupid school, stupid me, lol, for doing so many busy stuff and for being so lazy. My life is tennis, school, play, tennis, play, school, tennis, and a little bit of computer, lol. Loads of fun... or not...

I wonder what would happen if I posted the URL to my lj on my profile? I would get a lot more comments, lol, but idk if the world is ready for my thoughts. Of course, I'm not radical (like kill bush and cheney stinks and the green party is a bunch of hippy druggies) but I do get pretty depressing to read and learn about sometimes. Oh well, se la vi, maybe I'll post it tomorrow...

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