1. You're conducting a Mage game and pick the most awesome party *ever* to play in your game. Given the opportunity to choose five players (alive, deceased, fictitious) who would play in your Mage game?
That's...that's such a weird question. Who would I want, including fictitious characters and such, to come over...and play someone entirely different in one of my games? I mean, my boring-but-true response is that I'd keep playing with the people I'm most comfortable with. So my ideal group of five players would be Laura, Andrew, Jared, Zach, and Lyle. But a more interesting and mostly true answer would be...Stephen Colbert, Vin Diesel, Angelina Jolie, Neil Stephenson, and Fall-From-Grace (of Planescape Torment fame).
2. Do you have a vision for where you would like to take your art (photography, drawing, etc.) or is it a free flowing entity that you're letting grow of its own accord?
A little of both. There were definitely a few things I was aspiring towards when I started each. With photography it was mostly nude form stuff with interesting lighting. But I've discovered some other things and I'm happy to keep expanding along all those different avenues. In terms of digital painting, I have dreams of someday doing things like
this and
this. That's obviously fairly unrealistic though, unless I really devote myself to the craft and I don't have time for that. Still, it's the sort of thing I aim for.
3. Chrono (Chrono Trigger) - Cyan Garamonde (Final Fantasy III) - deathmatch...who wins? I'm going to have to go with Cyan, but mostly out of my apathy for Chrono. Chrono's cool and all, but he gets overshadowed by a frog.
4. Would you say you're in your dream job right now? If not, what would it be? That's an interesting question. I definitely like my current job a lot and I'm excited because I'm learning ridiculously marketable skills. But that's not really my dream job. My dream job would the creative plot/character aspect of game design. I've learned through storytelling that I really enjoy making people and setting and stories and it seems like I'd rather good at it. And it would be super-cool to be on a team where people would be making art and movies and such to support those things.
5. You're offered a fully funded trip to a country of your choosing to study any martial art of your choosing with that art's Grand MAster. Where do you go, and what art do you study?
Okanawa - Ju-Jitsu. Granted, my experiences are limited, but ju-jitsu definitely impressed me with just how incredibly effective it is. I really enjoy martial arts, but I'll never be in it for tournaments or anything flashy like that (thought those things can be cool). If I'm going to get grand-master instruction in something, I want it to be the sort of thing that's most likely to save my life someday.
As a second choice, I'd probably go with WuShu because I'd love to visit China and because I could really use training that would get my flexibility up somewhere remotely close to where it should be.
You know the drill.