Feb 23, 2005 21:49
read only mode is gay
i h8 bein poor cuz i would pay for gay membership..
and its problly not even worth it
courtney burd... ur gay
today i went to church
and my dad works at papa johns as delivery
and i got sum money from him cuz we saw him and prissy ass brittany was embarrased so i said fuck them
and i took my bum ass little friend matt and we got mcdonalds
we wer in a big group but
we rnt no more cuz i aint givin no money to my other bum ass friends
now im here...
we got free hot fudge sundaes from mcdonalds
they said it was cuz matts cuteness and my charm...
but i think it was his shortness and the pity they had for me...
alicia was ther and alicia is gay 2.