
Oct 22, 2010 20:12

[Phone- Filtered from the usual crowd of NPCs]

This place sure knows how to get interesting fast. Not even a week into being here and everything is already going to hell. Lets hope none of you go around playing 'superhero' and get yourself hurt or worse. That Russian guy -- Sergei, right -- caused us some trouble, so once they find him this craziness should stop. Not that anyone wants them to do that from the looks of it.

By the way: not going outside just means you're doing what they want you to do. Hiding in terror. Am I the only one who has the guts to slam the door shut in the face of that fat cat officer? If so, then I guess this place won't be as interesting to be trapped in as I thought.

If you're so afraid then stay inside. But just remember that if it can get worse, it likely will. Where will you hide then?

not touching this, !phone, superheroes are lame, true neutral, always a realist, you are all small time, so much for heroic spirit, not with a 10-foot pole

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