(no subject)

Mar 30, 2005 01:29

So, the 11th circuit federal appeals court here in Atlanta has decided to consider a petition for a new hearing on whether to reconnect Terri Schiavo's feeding tube. The woman's feeding tube has been disconnected for 13 day, her kidneys have not functioned since Sunday, but the court is going to let them argue to have the feeding tube reinserted.
Eighty percent of her brain has been spinal fluid since 1990...the only brain function she has had since that time is reflexive.

I would like to think my parents love me too much to ever subject me to what these parents have subjected their daughter to. I know my daughter does. To not be able to talk, to not be able to read, go outside and dig in the dirt or interact in any way....I'd be dead already according to my beliefs on what constitutes life. To have edited video and still shots released to the media to gain public sympathy seems like such an invasion of this woman and her husband's right to privacy.

I've read so much incorrect information on the case and issue from the christian right(makes me believe that public education in this country is truly in horrible shape...products of it obviously cannot comprehend what they read) ...wonder how many of them are aware that the judge who sided with the husband and ruled that the feeding tube could be removed is a conservative, southern baptist republican?? Or he was, his church has asked him to leave their congregation.....that's brotherly love for you!

To me, dignity and quality of life are much more important that existence and quantity of life.
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