I was you, last night
I dreamt of the flesh I long for
I owned the vessel that with held your spirit
--the fire that burns through my life.
I had you
in my mind.
I locked you in a corner
in the recesses of my mind
hidden away behind barriers
blocked by the shadows of times past
There are faces and bruises
gathered up from ancient bullshit
that I cannot let pass.
I hold onto you there
and I hold on tight
cuz I cannot falter
without losing my place in time.
The longer I let go
the farther you retract
to the corner of my mind
till I can no longer turn back
and retrieve the memory I once lost in you
the innocence I fought so hard for
and the pain you once bestowed.
I will vanish, nay
I will remain gone
until you learn once again
who I am
and where I belong.