Jun 28, 2009 00:47

Hey peoples, another random thought from the dark place in my mind : )
I love that a website like this exists to help you vent  your thoughts and feelings.
I've only just recently learned how to "self express'. I used to keep everything inside me, bottled up, but thats so not healthy.
Sometimes the thoughts make you sick and they just keep building and building til you explode.
So it's nice to be able to 'vent' here!

Famous quotes: 'Life is what you make it' and 'Only you have the power to change your life'...

I don't believe that.
Too much of our lives are ruled and controlled by third parties, holding all of the power over us.
Whether it's an employer regarding a job, a bank regarding a mortgage on a first home or something much more important.
Sometimes it feels like you're just flying around on Autopilot...
Sometimes it feels like you're trying to steer a boat unsuccessfully, slowly drifting aimlessly waiting for someone to chart the course...
Other times it feels like you are simply an actor in a play, waiting in the wings to step out into the spotlight to read lines that were written for you by someone else, in a plot you have no clue about...
Or simply a limp puppet, waiting on the third party that makes all of the decisions to pull the strings and animate you too life.

The only question is, how do we get that power over our lives back?
For that, i have no answers...

poetry (or as close as i'll get to it), random thoughts

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