Mar 06, 2004 23:21
Time moving by insanely fast. 2nd quarter ending in two weeks. INSANITY.
I'm heading to Washington D.C. this spring break (March 21-28). I'm going to miss out hanging with Jerry and Dave, everyone else seems to be gone still or still doing finals from what I know of. But yeah I don't really have a place to live and the opportunity to go to D.C. is a great one. But I'll definitely be missing ppl.
I have purchased my Coachella ticket. Excited to go.
Anyway, I don't know what else to post. A lot of BS going on in the family right now, stuff that I do not want to deal with but feel obliged to help my younger sister out. You think you know people so well, even your own mother, but in an instant that all changes.
I just shaved my head again because the hair was getting too long. I enjoy the conveniency of the shaved head. Maybe when I have more time I will grow out my hair.
Am I the only one that really cares less to have a girlfriend? I had a conversation with this russian guy at dinner and he wants a girlfriend so bad. Yeah having a girlfriend is chill I guess but it requires, most prominently, money and time. I've often thought about how much money I would have right now if I never had that relationship with Lisa. Wow... we won't think about that. Anyway I'm out to sleep. So what is so good about a girlfriend anyway? Maybe you can argue this here, I just don't see it now.
Good luck to everyone with finals and the like. Lots of stuff to do!