an update...finally!

Mar 27, 2005 22:41

hey everyone! sorry it's been so long since my last update. but wow. sooooooo much has happened. i have no idea where to start, so i think i'm just gonna start with this past week and move forward-- yeah. so spring break. it was absolutely insane. insane in that sangha house was basically empty except for the handful of us that didn't go anywhere because we had no money and work to do and thought it might be cool to hang around boulder without having constant classes. well, it was cool. but also sorta creepy. it's so crazy to be in a 28-person house with only like 6 people home. especially at night. especially since i was silly and decided, randomly, when i was at the library earlier in the week that i was going to read stephen king's "the shining" over break. don't get me wrong, the book was absolutely amazing. but it freaked me out so so so so so so much! i started to feel weird scary spirit energy things in my room here and couldn't stand being in my room alone with the door closed, especially in late afternoon or the evening when there was nothing to take my mind off of the moving shadows that kept moving closer to me with ominous grins or energy that made me feel super-claustrophobic and entirely fearful. so yeah. empty house and ghosts. great combo, huh?

well there was plenty of other stuff going on too. ava's twin sister zuri came to boulder to visit from hawaii so we got to all hang out together and that was amazing. and katie's sister annie came to visit too. equally as amazing. sunday we went on a crazy wild goosechase for this cool store called rebecca's apothecary because they had all these herbs we were interested in buying. we got crazy-lost and walked all the way to this place where the road just kept going up and up and up and from the bottom of this hill where we were standing it seriously seemed like we had found the edge of the earth and there wasn't anything past that point. (so we walked all the way up to check it out and it eventually flattened out into a field and some catholic school place, but it still was cool.) we finally were sucessful in finding the apothecary \

and then we went grocery shopping and ava, zuri, katie, charlotte, and i all cooked dinner together and went and did an amazing ritual to welcome in the sping equinox. after the ritual we decided to make things a little more interesting so we had a seance. but that was absolutely insane and creeped us all out and we were screaming and shivering and basically crying and none of us wanted to get up and turn a light on. so it was kinda pathetic, but okay. i mean at least we tried. we apologized to the spirits for being so wishy-washy, telling them to come and then leave right away.

i also dyed my hair-- and i'm thinking about getting my nose pierced in a couple of days. it was a pretty good week cause i got to catch up with hadley and marlon at our ritual sherpa's dinner. YAY FOR SHERPA'S and FRIENDS! and i got to spend pretty much a whole day with katie and that was amazing. we had lunch at Applebees and went shopping and ran errands and looked longingly at the houses we'll be living in this time next year. i also got to see ava again for the first time in like forever. and julia and i had some absolutely amazing adventures. I LOVE YOU ALL!

let's see, more highlights... i had my astrology chart read on tuesday night. and that was pretty cool. this guy john from my poetry class read it for me. the reading was a little over 2 hours and i have a tape of it. i'm working on listening to it and typing it up so i can have a printed copy eventually. but i don't think i've ever spent that long listening to someone i don't know that well tell me all about myself. good experience to have, but i'm still trying to figure out exactly what happened and how it helped or will help me.

in-between all the procrastinating and eating and movies (oh yeah, movies. over break i watched a ton of movies. the stepford wives, the ice storm, finding neverland, coffee and cigarettes, and i'm sure there's more but i just can't remember) i found some time, miraculously, to write a 14-page paper on jewish mysticism that will count for 40% of my grade in the class. i didn't find time, however, to write the paper for my journeys to the east class of approximately the same length that's worth the same amount. ::shrugs:: i know it will get done by the due-date and i guess that's all that matters, right?

so friday night was the full moon. it's the first full moon since i got my tattoo! and i guess almost all of you know about my tattoo, but i haven't officially posted it in here. (sidenote: on feb. 23 when the full moon was in virgo, which is my sign, i got a crescent moon tattooed to my forehead. yes. forehead.) i'm still really happy with my tattoo. :) but enough about that. okay, so the night of the full moon julia and i decided that we really needed to bring some new love energy into our lives. so i got out my newly-aquired spellbook and we sifted through pages and pages of love spells and picked out our favorites. then we cut and pasted them together until we had our own creation that was perfect for our needs. we infused these amazing herbs into some mead and set intentions and cast a circle and the whole shebang. let me just warn you, if you do any spell you should be prepared for the results. and sometimes the results come really, really fast. (sidenote: i have a date thursday night)

saturday and sunday were amazing. spent more time with the beautiful people here. charlotte and i spent most of saturday afternoon together so we could chat and catch up a bit. and caitlin and ben got home saturday night so we went out to dinner and i got to hear stories from their trip and see pictures. and sunday, today, is/was easter. happy easter everyone! i went out to a nice easter brunch with caitlin. it wasn't an official easter brunch or anything, but it was our official easter brunch. and then we went and bought 3 boquets of beautiful spring tulips and brought them back to sangha in a really pretty vase.

when we got home we had a meeting of the Page & Leaf Club with so many friends! it was me, cait, ben, nicole, charlotte, erin, james, ivan, and marlon. yay! (sidenote: Page & Leaf is like our church. we try to have it every sunday morning-ish and at least a couple of us get together outside in the sunshine and drink tea and read poetry and be happy together!) after page & leaf i spent a lot of time procrastinating in various forms. looking at cool pictures nicole has taken since we've been in boulder, listening to music, sharing poetry, writing emails, etc. you get the idea. i finally broke-down and wrote my meditation paper for tomorrow morning's class and then i had an almost 3-hour really sweet phone conversation with scott. (i'm excited for thursday!)

now i'm trying to be productive, so i'm writing this while i'm waiting for rainey to call me back and my laundry is in the dryer. yay for clean clothes! so. i'm sure there's a lot that i left out and i'm sorry for my not-so-thorough recount of the past week-or-so of my life. but as always, gimme a call if you want to know more.

i love you all!

p.s. jessi! i miss you like crazy! i'm gonna try and give you a call tomorrow afternoon after my mid-semester conference with my poetry teacher. hope all is well for you and that we'll talk soon! i love you!
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