Ahhh...What artisticness can bring....

Nov 10, 2005 17:13

So I'm *really* excited right now! Hopefully I have a right to be!

I went and developed some rolls of film and I came back and was looking through them and my Mom wanted to take some of them to work to show her co-workers. Originally she just wanted the ones of the animals to show them off...well I snuck in some others, some of my fave's and asked her to take them and show them off. Just for the hell of it.
So today, she gets home and she's like so Christy really liked those pictures, she would like to see more...she said she could use some for the magazine articles she's always doing. So this woman is going to use *MY* art, give me credit, get it out there and show it off!!! How cool is that?!! And on top of *that* another woman told my Mom (and confirmed what I heard) that if I go to this local Photo Studio they might hire me, they've been known to do it in the past. And this one woman that went there, was hired, without a degree, and now owns her own business!!! I'm sooo excited!! I've been running around trying to find copies of all my great art work so I can scan and upload them to a CD so I can show this woman and whoever else, my awesome work!! The second woman that told Mom about the photo studio said that if I am doing this good of work without going to school for it, I should definitely go to school and get a little more knowledgable about photography and then wait and see what I am capable of!!

So all in all, everyone was impressed and solidified my thoughts of persuing this as a career.

Just thought I'd share the news with you all!! And I will let you know what magazines and things my work will be appearing in :) God it feels good to say that...I already feel famous :)
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