I love this song...

May 16, 2004 19:47

Awesome weekend.

Friday: Jacki and her bf picked me up and we drove to Venice. I borrowed her ID and walked into this tattoo parlor. The guy asked me how old I was.. and I'm like "I'm 21".. and he's like "Okay, step right into this room." haha I didn't think it was going to be that easy. But wow.. I was so fucking scared I started shaking. He had me lay on this bed and he dotted where he was going to pierce it with a marker. He sterilized it... and when he finally punctured my skin it didnt hurt but he went pretty deep into my skin and when he twisted it around and opened the skin right above my belly button I wanted to scream bloody murder. It hurt so fucking bad... Rachel said it didn't hurt at all. But I think he went a lot deeper than Sarah did. That's a good thing though, because I heard if they don't pierce it deep enough over a couple years it moves through your skin. It still kind of hurts but it's getting better. I really hope it doesn't get infected. My sis said he pierced it really well and he cleaned it and all so I think it'll be okay if I take care of it. I decided I'm just going to tell my mom, instead of waiting for her to see it one day. I think she'll ground me less if I just tell her. But anyway... after Venice we drove to dad's and Christina was already there. We called up Andrew and he and his friend Jared that I went to preschool with met Christina and me at the movies. Andrew is so gorgeous... I swear he gets hotter every time I see him. He's also really really nice and pretty smart. Too bad he lives so far away... we could never be in a relationship. He does want to go to UCSB too though, that's awesome. It was cool he didn't make a move on me too... it shows he doesn't just see me every couple months to hook up. So many guys are like that... and I can't stand them. All they care about is hooking up and all they do is lead girls on and I'm really just sick of those types. Anyway.. we saw Troy. It was such a great movie!!! The ending was pretty sad though... I won't say it just incase any one reading this hasn't seen it... you definitely should! But Christina and me didn't get home until 2:30... the movie ended late and we hung out a little bit afterwards. Thank god my dad was asleep he would have killed me. It was a really fun night though, it was worth the sneaking around. :-)

Saturday: Christina went home, and I drove on PCH!!!! That was one of the scariest things I've ever done in my life. Driving a brand new expensive BMW on PCH in torrance with tons of traffic with my dad screaming at me every other second!!! At least I know some of the things I'm doing wrong.. but he was yelling at me so much I just made more mistakes. I'm NEVER driving with him ever again. After that he flew me home and mom picked me up at the airport. I got ready and I met Rachel, Kat, Ali, Bekah, and Lindsey at Carls Jr. Lindsey drove us to MR.AZA in the valley. Wow was it boring. Everyone said it was so great last year, but it really sucked this time. Except when Kat opened the door that said in huge letters: DO NOT ENTER WILL SOUND ALARM. The alarm in the whole place went off and everyone was applauding her, sooo funny!!! We just ran away outside haha. After that after like an hour I finally convinced my mom to let me sleep out. She had a "bad feeling" for no reason at all! I hate how overprotective she is of me. My dad is the complete opposite, or just oblivious to everything. It was really fun sleeping over at Ali's with Kat. She wasn't friends with Rachel and me for a year and a half. We stopped talking to eachother,I don't even remember why. I'm glad we're friends again. :-)

Today: Bekah Kat Ali and I went to a semi-private beach near Zuma. We called Sarah and Rachel a thousand times but they never picked up. It was so awesome.. there was a lot of cliffs and we collected a lot of really pretty seashells. I couldn't really go in the ocean because of my piercing.. but oh well it was still fun. After that we went back to Ali's for a bit. And now I'm home and my mom is pissed at me but I'm not sure why. She's always in a horrible mood, I don't think I can take much more of it. Atleast I have no homework for once! I'm gonna go take a bath... later everyone.
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