
Nov 25, 2003 12:52

Well, things have taken quite an interesting twist as of late. First off, I recently moved... same town, same state... just a different place. (Gods.. get me out of this place before I rot in boredom!) Secondly... I have just gotten over the worst stomach flu I have had in a long time. It absolutely sucks not being able to take anything for colds and flus due to my medication. Basically, I have to let things run thier courses, which drains the hell out of me, and leaves me in worse shape in the event that another cold or flu should strike. (Then everyone wonders why the hell I'm always sick it seems.) I should take up finding out herbal remidies that won't react with my meds.

Anyhow... yesterday I was finally feeling up to par enough to actually go out to the mall for a bit. I picked up Final Fantasy X-2. All I can say about it... is that I am pretty impressed so far, given that it is an actual sequal rather than an entire new game all over.

Let's see... today... well, I'm in a rather hyper mood, which is unusual from my normally cynical state of mind. I'm not sure why I am...(Methinks it's too much caffeine). I'm also quite bored, which is a dangerous thing... no one is on either of my Buddy Lists for Yahoo or AIM, so that kind of scratches the idea of actually talking to anyone for now. So... I'm kicking back and listening to some music.

Hmm... out of things to really update on for now. If anyone wants to talk... feel free to send me a message.

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