Another Day again...

Nov 12, 2004 23:44

Today was long and drawn out but slightly good....

I woke up this morning, fixed my hair, the left side was flipping out ... and I was like WTF!?! SO yeah, that bothered me but oh well... I found my eye liner and stuff today, So I wore eye liner today, did the 3 dot thing on the right side, and I put a Kyo Kanji on the left side, it was kind of neat. But yeah, I got to school updated my journal and stuff.

1st Block was Drama, that was kind of fun, we did auditions for our one-act plays, I think I did pretty well, the cast will be up monday, so that will be fun. To see what parts I got anyways.

2nd Block was Geometry, I just sat around half the class and did nothing cause we are learning about equations of lines and Slope... we did that shit last year.. so I already know it by heart... Yeah...

3rd Block was ISS2... I hate that class cause its boring as hell.. and I never learn a thing... so yeah, after that class was

4th Block English, I had to make up a lot of stuf from Monday, and we had to write Persuasive Essays. I did my over the school dress code policy on Body Piercings.. it was fun.

After school we were supposed to have a Philosophy Club Meeting but we didn't get to..... So I sat around after school for like 2 hours doing nothing and my dad came and got me and I came home.

When I got home, I played FF5, this time I literally got all the way to the end. I'm in the weird place where time stops in between the two worlds and the existance of nothing is like... eternal... its weird and messed up, but fun. I died, so then I quit playign and starting play Piano. I made up something some freaking cool that I was like.. OMG and I put it in guitar pro and I think I may have written the coolest thing that exists in the world
I mixed 2 key signatures together, I play in F Major, and then I mixed D Major in with it so the key signature is like... Bb Gb and Db... its really weird... I don't know what it is considered.. buts its awesome as hell and its the coolest thing ever, I want to record it. But yeah, I can't so oh well what ever.. i'm not finished yet, but I probably will be soon enough. I want to show Charissa, cause I think she will think its awesome.. its like a mix between TubRing stuff Final Fantasy Music, and Mozart... its awesome! but yeah... anyways... I'm going to get off here, I hope Charissa will call me tommorow and let me know how she's doing, kind of feel like i made her feel bad and I feel guilty again...
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