Nov 06, 2004 22:11
Ah... Another long ass day... MRAH!
Okay, so I got up this morning at like 7:30 because I had to be at Wal-Mart at 8:30 for a stupid ass Jazz Band thing that was really ridiculous. So yeah, I got up and combed my hair, brushed my teeth threw on some clothes and off I headed. I got to wal-mart and just sat around until they got all the stuff like set up and stuff, they played all the music and shit, I didn't really play anything cause I don't.. aside from the tambourine but who the hell wants to play that anyways.. Yeah. So we did that for like 2 hours.
After that I called my dad and told him to get my stuff off my drumset at home that I needed for band practice today. So he got that and came by and picked me up at Wal-Mart and took me to Justins house where we had band practice for like 5 hours. That was interesting I suppose, we got 3 songs down and got half a song written. It soudns really good, 2 of them are covers tho. But oh well, its a good start for a 4 person band. We got to use the schools bass amp, so that helped out a lot. But apparently Kris was having a lot of problems getting his distortion pedal to co-operate.. So that slowed us down a lot. But at about 3:30 - 4 ish we stopped playing and I headed back to my dad's house.
When I got there I just sat around, and then I took a really long shower, and shaved my entire body over again. That made me feel really clean. I got out of the shower and put some clothes on and everything and got on the internet for a little bit, hoping Charissa might of updated her journal or emailed me or something. But nothing of the sort. So I got offline and went back to my room, turned on my computer, and turned on my Faye wong and Kiroro stuff. Started played FF5 on my emulator I finally made some progress on it, so i'm happy. I have the airship now and apparently I'm suppose to go somewhere and do something, not sure what. But I'm farther along now. So that's good. After playing on my emulator for about 30 mins. I started to play my keyboard. I can play Hey Jude by the Beatles now on Piano, so atleast I'm learning. I can play 4 songs on Piano, and improv in 4 different Keys, so that's a plus. So yeah, now I can play drums fairly good, and guitar fairly good, and i'm getting slightly better at piano each and every day. Awesome! But yeah, after that, I told my dad I wanted to go to Brad Patterson's birthday party, he's turning 16, but yeah, when I got here, apparently no one had shown up for his party, I felt bad for him but yeah.. I came, and he said thanks and stuff. We ordered a Pizza and had cake and stuff, then messed around on the internet for a while. Listened to some music and stuff. He smoked like 14 cigarettes.. and jeez... he's killing me right now, I have a killer headache... But yeah whatever. He's in the shower right now, so I decided to update my journal. At about 8:30 Brandon called and needed to vent some stuff out, so I helped him out a bit and explained to him what he should do for his situation, so it made me feel better knowing I could help him out. I was expecting Charissa to call, but I guess I've been let down once again... I'm kind of in the dumps now... Not really expecting anything at all from anyone, and realizing everything sucks and there's nothing I can do about it, but i'm still heading forwards regardless of the shit that takes place on the outside. Hope is all I can ask for... and probably all i'm going to get. But yeah, I just wish I could hear from her to know she's okay, that would be a bit nice.. But I can't really expect things from her. I love her to pieces and I don't know what to do about it. My heart is being ripped from my chest and its like I'm watching it happen. I don't know its really weird and its killing me... well enough on depressing things. Hopefully I can sleep in for a bit tommorow, and maybe hear from Charissa. Twould be nice and Jolly, but until then, goodnight all.