It has been 100 years since Albert Einstein had his miracle year, to my knowledge, no one has accomplished so much in such little time, perhaps Isaac Newton. Einstein, in less than a year, demonstrated that atoms exist, presented the special theory of relativity, and essentially erected quantum theory as we know it. If you are interested in Quantum Physics, you might want to read The Elegant Universe by Brian Green, it is a great starting point for interested parties. And if you are too lazy, they have actually the NOVA series online at PBS, and you can watch it in it's intirety,
free! Unfortunately he never tackled the Grand Unified Theory, but you can't expect one man to do everything I suppose. The macroscopic world of space-time in relativity and the chaotic unpredictible microscopic view of quantum physics do not blend together, but that's what we have string theory for. I guess we shall see. Although it is nice to see peole working so hard to explain the work of such a great man in a way that anyone can understand it, and not just those of us who have studied Tensor Calculus and rudimentary Gauge Theory.
The significant problems we face can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
- Einstein