Dec 15, 2006 08:45
...if anyone needs me for something, I'll be in the library. With a fire going.
A massive fire. Anyone else in the house who's freezing to death and dear gods I might be seeing Alekto soon at this rate cold can feel free to join me.
Woh ni eht sdlrow nac ti reve eb siht dloc?!
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Iesoppus taht snaem taht illiw ton eb gnicnivnoc uoy ot nioj em no erutnev, neht?
Aerutnev? Tahwdid uoy evah ni dnim, rehtorb?
[OOC: O.o Dude. "Did" does not translate well by itself.]
Ha ... ievah draeh taht ti si motsuc ot evig stfig ot devol seno ta siht emit fo raey, yb ruo Ecnirp. Isaw gnipoh ot eriuqcca emos rof eht srehto - ruo Ecnirp, Ydal Cris, Critias - eno yad siht keew, dna spahrep uoy dluoc evig em emos saedi sa ot tahw uoy dluow ekil elihw ew era tuo? Er'uoy tluciffid ot ediced rof.
[OOC: Hahahaha, that's true. ^^]
Stfig ot devol seno? Taht sdnuos ekil alufituaeb noitidart. Gnihtemos Alekto dluow evah deyojne, ievah on tbuod! Idluow eb gnilliw ot ynapmocca uoy, rehtorb, dna spahrep eriuqcca emos stfig sa llew. Fo esruoc, Timaeus. Ima eht tsegnuoy fo su dna saw eht tesgnuoy fo ym ylimaf; s'ti ym boj ot eb tluciffid...
Ehs dlouw evah, sey; ruoy Alekto dah alufytuaeb traeh dna derac os hcum rof srehto. yltnedive os, rehtorb. *ruffles Hermos' hair again*
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