But we'll get to that in a little bit.
I feel like I haven't done a "Hi my name is C and my life is busy right now because my life is ________________________!" and maybe the truth is I'm a little lazy, really busy, watching a lot of anime, still hate my roommate, drink a lot with
tosca1390, and really just want lunch/my paycheck today, but, you know. Whatever.
Things are good. My parents are pseudo-surprising us with a visit this weekend. ETAs haven't been given as they are my parents and my parents don't do ETAs. They sort of show up and grin and say "Hey take the weekend off!" when you're kinda rolling your eyes and going, "Mom, Dad, I, like, have a job and you're fucking hilarious." But whatever. I'm just hoping they, you know, give me something by tomorrow, seeing as they're supposed to show up on Friday? I think?
My roommate is still weird. I'm not dead and in the freezer, obviously. So that's good. I saw the first two episodes of Girls last night and really, really dug it, outside of my weird "... what is going on, I was here three and a half years ago!" and uncomfortable and awkward still same. Because I'm still here. At least Boston is cheaper. I still want a new tattoo. But bills need to be paid, so. Directory B is going well. I make a mean latte. Um. Television?
I've been watching Grey's Anatomy off and on. I think I'm going to watch the finale of House. Idk I feel morally obligated or whatever - or, let's be real, I just want the bragging rights to say "I told you so!" when he either dies or this turns out to be a dream and the finale montage is something set to Kansas' Dust in the Wind. Because it would.
I can't talk about Fifty Shades of Grey with a straight face, or some sharp, burst panic attack of anger. Reading it was like going through the twelve stages of grief - and now, speaking of obligation, I feel like I have to read the next two. Because it's like I'm in some terrible, terrible dream. Also I want to fix it. All of it. I mean, you think she's bad. Then you read the thing he's saying. And then you think he's worse. And then she goes back to being awful. Then they're awful together. And then everybody around them is terrible and you feel like you're in a really, really terrible dream.
Anyways. In the spirit of being all over the place, a meme!
AU THREE SENTENCE MEME: Give me multiple pairings. Give me a setting. I will write you a three-sentence fic.