Stolen from
dollsome because this meme is an oldie and goodie. And I'm catching up on Project Runway. Who else is watching this season? Favorites? I'm sad that
Amy went home. Also my niece got into Boston Latin! She's growing up! I want her to stay small. :( Anyways. Meme!
First you pick a letter. Then you pick a fandom and a pairing. For example, A is for Anxiety, Cal/Gillian (Lie to Me). In turn you'll receive a ficlet of some kind.
A is for: A is for Anthems, Booth/Brennan for
romantic_india B is for:
C is for:
D is for:
E is for:
F is for: Future, Chase/Cameron for
pretty_cynical G is for:
H is for: Home, Cameron/Sebastian Charles for
mathhhh I is for:
J is for:
K is for:
L is for: Laughter, House/Cameron for
apestaartje M is for: Meetings, House/Cameron for
madeelly N is for:
O is for:
P is for:
Q is for:
R is for: Rain, Bond/Vesper for
lauridsen09 S is for:
T is for:
U is for:
V is for:
W is for:
X is for:
Y is for:
Z is for: