
Jul 05, 2009 02:17

1. I have just reached 6,000 words on the Vesper fic.

2. Apparently, I have yet to get tired of this. Which is awesome.

3. I would've made rum 4th of July cupcakes today. There was no rum, much to some people's disappointment. However, I still love cupcakes. And I made them. So they have to deal with it.

4. In a month, I'll be turning 25. In two months, I'm moving. This is a little scary.

5. I am attempting, still, to do some catching up.

6. Swine flu jokes are still stupid.

7. Have a mix. And, in an attempt to follow through with #5, belittle me with links or delurk to say hello (this is an open post, apparently) or just say hello in general.

So hi.

fic: writing, film: casino royale, rl: ambitions to be coco, misc: lists lists and more lists

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