Office Ficlet: the one where the airline loses your underwear

Oct 03, 2008 14:53

note: for dollsome! because she’s awesome and i had to expand on the thing i did for her yesterday. ♥

the one where the airline loses your underwear
he should’ve known. seven facts about toby flenderson and his renaissance man’s trip to costa rica. the office. toby. spoilers for weight loss. 304 words, pg.

1. On his first real day, the sun was shining. He should’ve known.

2. The idea that he’s doing this for anyone but himself isn’t true. There was a sense of anticipation, you know, this real kind of high that he hadn’t carried around in years. Except, then, he woke up in a hospital.

3. On a good day, they'll let him turn to the side. There’s too much Spanish for him to catch something, sure, but he likes to think that it’s for a change in perspective - there’s no harm in that. Really. Since he’s going nowhere again.

4. He’s starting to like the telenovas, especially the one about Maria Manuel Martin Martinez de Cruz Ortiz. She’s got a great rack.

( - he swears the increase in the pain meds has him suddenly channeling Michael Scott. Which kinda sucks. Not that he misses him or anything.)

5. He’s pretty sure that he still had an idea of how this was going to go at the airport, complete with blue skies and second chances. But the only thing that he can think about is the refrigerator back in the office and how it definitely smelled better than the room he shares her with Tito, the shark attack victim, and Manuel, the really old guy. He doesn’t know why he’s suddenly a stickler for the pieces of a memory he was supposed to lose with his luggage. Maybe he misses Scranton. Maybe he doesn’t. The refrigerator was always Dwight’s fault anyway.

6. On occasion, he thinks of Pam. That Pam. That slow, uncertain smile that gave him some sense of a grand goodbye - he'd like to think he'd do it differently, the leisure of maybe allowing himself to wonder if she does miss him. But then he remembers that this is Pam. And there's Jim.

7. Mostly, he hates Jim.

show: the office, character: toby

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