first off, even though it's the twenty-second. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
bertiebob!!! BECAUSE I'D TOTALLY, LIKE, GO GAY FOR YOU. no. really. i'm writing something for you. ♥
so for those of you who remember
backsexy, you remember that it was started because of justin timberlake and the constant abuse of that song-- it got stuck in my head and we, being
gabesaunt, and myself, ran a ficathon because of it.
(i know you're think 'justin timberlake, wtf?' but what can i say?)
and we're doing it again. without the jt inspiration.
The Take Five Ficathon is a ficathon for five different fandoms. Basically we're hoping to have fic for the following fandoms: House, Bones, the Office, the Black Donnellys, and Supernatural. Pairings will be left up to you, the author, though you will have to somehow incorporate your chosen prompt.
So follow the link to sign up:
And after you sign up, pimp like you've never pimped before.
_vicodin, in all her amazing glory, has made five really, really fantastic banners. And they're behind the cut. So feel free to take, credit
_vicodin, and use for the pimping.