(no subject)

Jul 13, 2006 00:14

So i suppose i should stop jerking you all around and finally post on this excuse of a communication (never really liked reading peoples thoughts anyways). This might be the last post i do on here i rarely check my live journal and it has lost interest in the web of idiocy i see displayed upon my screen.

Last ditch info about me:

Going to london FUCKERS deal with it!!!!

Going to see SCOTT BROWN one of the main stream infulences to Happy hardcore.

Got a new computer so NO PORN.

Work sucks but i will be getting a scholarship this fall hopefully.

life is interesting still however i don't know what to do; oh well, rubbing things in others faces has boosted my ego enough for the night i think ill sleep normally. Message me ill bother you back if i feel the need.
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