I recived for crhistmast this year:
A GO board
a 1 gigabite flash drive
the rest of a book series (the gap conflict)
other stuff
that is the most pertanant items i recived this year. The flash drive has some crazy shit on it that i needed to remove but i just disabled it. but that didnt work rant flowows under cut
Well about that flash drive I got, I'm returning it tomorrow, it is SHIT. I suggest that anyone if you buy a new flash drive in the future AVOID "U3" technology it is the biggest bull i have heard yet. First of i generates an unformatable partition that is locked so you cant write to it this contains the launch pad program (the main system behind the “U3” technology) when ever you plug it in it launches the launch pad whether you like it or not. The launch pad program is on the unformatable partition so you cant even turn it off. Then it tends to crash older computers and there is nothing you can do about it! If you disable the unformatable partition (the one containing the Launch pad program) the gigabyte partition is then unreadable. Hell it hurt one of my computers so bad i had to reinstall the OS! The programs packaged with it, any one with some computer knowledge would dislike, it is simply to help the average business man do his work more efficiently, not for the rest of us computer geeks. So the idea is smart but the effort and amount of testing is CRAP.
so tommorrow i will get something better... hopefully...