Apr 20, 2008 21:14
I don't write much anymore....
O: So anyway, I have a boy friend, he goes to the air force academy... And he's a freak.
[20:57] usafcommando: ugh i have soo much work
[20:58] SorsX: me too i forgot i had to write a paper
[20:58] usafcommando: :-(...im wiritng one now
[20:59] SorsX: :( papers suck
[21:00] usafcommando: yeah really
[21:00] SorsX: what's yours on?
[21:00] usafcommando: whether Ben franklin could be election in 2008
[21:00] usafcommando: yawn
[21:00] usafcommando: bt i choose it
[21:01] SorsX: xD seriously? that's gay
[21:01] usafcommando: o well
[21:02] SorsX: just say he wouldn't win cause no one would belive he invented the light bulb.... the end.
[21:03] usafcommando: he didnt
[21:03] usafcommando: he discovered how electricity worked
[21:03] SorsX: exactly, but no one believed al gore either.
[21:03] usafcommando: al gore is an idiot
[21:03] usafcommando: and a communist
[21:04] SorsX: O: he just wants to share his love with you.
[21:04] usafcommando: hes full of shitI need to just break up with him. >.< I don't agree with him on any issues that I consider important, and whenever I try and joke with him about being all hardcore conservative he wigs out on me. Frustrating especially since he's not religious but seems to miraculously agree with everything the extreme right has to say.
So anyway. I did a lot of skiing this winter which was wonderful. i think perhaps before gradschool I should take a winter off and be a ski instructor up at some resort (A basin A basin A basin!!!). I'm still working at the golf course. Apparently this summer they're doing construction on our resevor so I doubt we'll be doing much besides hand watering greens.
hahaa, my life has turned out so very strange.