There's gonna be a Golden Compass movie, 12-7-07.
I'm really excited to be doing my A&P class soon. Although the books were freakishly expensive.
Dissection is fun, I see now why my dad wanted to go to med school.
I'm gonna complain now.
First off my heal is really bothering me, ever time I step on it a burning sensations goes up through all my nerves. Going down stairs is hell, so now I'm trapped worring about how bad it'll hurt to go up stairs.
We didn't have any milk, soy milk, or hot coco mix; so I was forced to melt ice cream and laden it with chocolate sauce.
I'm again confused if Nathan wants me to move in with him when he gets a house, or if he's just baiting me or something. I don't actually think he's that smart.
I still need a job, although they are opening a circuit city near me on powers. Dan said the renfest was still taking apps.
I also still want a motorcycle, so I can die horribly in an accident as everyone tells me I will.